class ApiEntreprise::Job < ApplicationJob DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS_API_ENTREPRISE_JOBS = 5 queue_as :api_entreprise # BadGateway could mean # - acoss: réessayer ultérieurement # - bdf: erreur interne # so we retry every day for 5 days # same logic for ServiceUnavailable retry_on ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ServiceUnavailable, ApiEntreprise::API::Error::BadGateway, wait: # We guess the backend is slow but not broken # and the information we are looking for is available # so we retry few seconds later (exponentially to avoid overload) retry_on ApiEntreprise::API::Error::TimedOut, wait: :exponentially_longer # If by the time the job runs the Etablissement has been deleted # (it can happen through EtablissementUpdateJob for instance), ignore the job discard_on ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound rescue_from(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::ResourceNotFound) do |exception| error(self, exception) end rescue_from(ApiEntreprise::API::Error::BadFormatRequest) do |exception| error(self, exception) end def error(job, exception) # override ApplicationJob#error to avoid reporting to sentry end def max_attempts ENV.fetch("MAX_ATTEMPTS_API_ENTREPRISE_JOBS", DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS_API_ENTREPRISE_JOBS).to_i end end