import React from 'react';
import { QueryClientProvider } from 'react-query';
import { matchSorter } from 'match-sorter';

import ComboSearch from './ComboSearch';
import { queryClient } from './shared/queryClient';

// Avoid hiding similar matches for precise queries (like "Sainte Marie")
function searchResultsLimit(term) {
  return term.length > 5 ? 10 : 5;

function expandResultsWithMultiplePostalCodes(term, results) {
  // A single result may have several associated postal codes.
  // To make the search results more precise, we want to generate
  // an actual result for each postal code.
  const expandedResults = results.flatMap((result) => => ({
      codesPostaux: [codePostal]

  // Some very large cities (like Paris) have A LOT of associated postal codes.
  // As we generated one result per postal code, we now have a lot of results
  // for the same city. If the number of results is above the threshold, we use
  // local search to narrow the results.
  const limit = searchResultsLimit(term);
  if (expandedResults.length > limit) {
    return matchSorter(expandedResults, term, {
      keys: [(item) => `${item.nom} (${item.codesPostaux[0]})`, 'code'],
      sorter: (rankedItems) => rankedItems
    }).slice(0, limit + 1);

  return expandedResults;

function ComboCommunesSearch(params) {
  return (
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        transformResult={({ code, nom, codesPostaux }) => [
          `${nom} (${codesPostaux[0]})`

export default ComboCommunesSearch;