module Expired # User is considered inactive after two years of idleness regarding # when he does not have a dossier en instruction # or when his users.last_signed_in_at is smaller than two years ago INACTIVE_USER_RETATION_IN_YEAR = 2 # Dossier are automatically destroyed after a period (it's configured per Procedure) # a Dossier.en_instruction? is never destroyed # otherwise, a dossier is considered for expiracy after its last traitement DEFAULT_DOSSIER_RENTENTION_IN_MONTH = ENV.fetch('NEW_MAX_DUREE_CONSERVATION') { 12 }.to_i # Administateur can ask for higher dossier rentention # but we double check if it's a valid usage MAX_DOSSIER_RENTENTION_IN_MONTH = 60 # User are always reminded two weeks prior expiracy (for their account as well as their dossier) REMAINING_WEEKS_BEFORE_EXPIRATION = 2 # Expiracy jobs are run daily. # it send a lot o email, so we spread our jobs through the day def self.schedule_at(caller) case when 'Cron::ExpiredPrefilledDossiersDeletionJob' "every day at 3 am" when 'Cron::ExpiredDossiersTermineDeletionJob' "every day at 7 am" when 'Cron::ExpiredDossiersBrouillonDeletionJob' "every day at 10 pm" when 'Cron::ExpiredUsersDeletionJob' "every day at 11 pm" when 'Cron::ExpiredDossiersEnConstructionDeletionJob' "every day at 3 pm" when 'Cron::EnableProcedureExpiresWhenTermineEnabledJob' "every day at 2 am" else raise 'please, check the schedule to avoid too much email at the same time' end end end