describe DevisePopulatedResource, type: :controller do controller(Devise::PasswordsController) do include DevisePopulatedResource end let(:user) { create(:user) } before do routes.draw do get 'edit' => 'devise/passwords#edit' put 'update' => 'devise/passwords#update' end @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user] @token = user.send_reset_password_instructions end context 'when initiating a password reset' do subject { get :edit, params: { reset_password_token: token } } context 'with a valid token' do let(:token) { @token } it 'returns the fully populated resource' do subject expect( eq( expect( eq( end end context 'with an expired token' do let(:token) { 'invalid-token' } it 'returns a new blank resource' do subject expect(controller.populated_resource).to be_present expect(controller.populated_resource.new_record?).to be(true) expect( be_blank end end end context 'when submitting a password reset' do subject { put :update, params: { user: { reset_password_token: @token } } } it 'returns the fully populated resource' do subject expect( eq( expect( eq( end end end