describe 'As an administrateur I can edit types de champ condition', js: true, retry: 3 do include Logic let(:administrateur) { procedure.administrateurs.first } let(:procedure) do create(:procedure).tap do |p| p.draft_revision.add_type_de_champ(type_champ: :integer_number, libelle: 'age') # private p.draft_revision.add_type_de_champ(type_champ: :boolean, libelle: 'bon dossier', private: true) p.draft_revision.add_type_de_champ(type_champ: :text, libelle: 'nom du parent') end end let(:first_tdc) { procedure.draft_revision.types_de_champ.first } let(:second_tdc) { procedure.draft_revision.types_de_champ.second } before do login_as administrateur.user, scope: :user visit champs_admin_procedure_path(procedure) end scenario "adding a new condition" do within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(2)' do click_on 'cliquer pour activer' within '.condition-table tbody tr:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_select('type_de_champ[condition_form][rows][][targeted_champ]', options: ['Sélectionner', 'age']) within('.target') { select('age') } within('.operator') { select('Supérieur ou égal à') } within('.value') { fill_in with: 18 } end end expected_condition = greater_than_eq(champ_value(first_tdc.stable_id), constant(18)) wait_until { second_tdc.reload.condition == expected_condition } end scenario "the first type de champ is removed" do within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(1)' do click_on 'Supprimer' page.accept_alert end # the condition table is deleted expect(page).to have_no_content('Logique conditionnelle') end context 'with a preexisting condition' do before do second_tdc.update(condition: greater_than_eq(champ_value(first_tdc.stable_id), constant(18))) page.refresh end scenario "removing all conditions" do within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(2)' do click_on 'cliquer pour désactiver' page.accept_alert # the condition table is deleted expect(page).to have_no_table end end scenario "removing a condition" do within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(2)' do within '.condition-table tbody tr:nth-child(1)' do within('.delete-column') { click_on 'Supprimer la ligne' } end # the condition table is deleted expect(page).to have_no_table end end scenario "adding a second row" do within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(2)' do click_on 'Ajouter une condition' # the condition table has 2 rows within '.condition-table tbody' do expect(page).to have_selector('tr', count: 2) end end end scenario "changing target champ to a not managed type" do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.errors-summary') within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(1)' do select('Départements', from: 'Type de champ') end within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(2)' do expect(page).to have_selector('.errors-summary') end end scenario "moving a target champ below the condition" do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.errors-summary') within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(1)' do click_on 'Déplacer le champ vers le bas' end # the now first champ has an error within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_selector('.errors-summary') end end scenario "moving the condition champ above the target" do expect(page).to have_no_selector('.errors-summary') within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(2)' do click_on 'Déplacer le champ vers le haut' end # the now first champ has an error within '.type-de-champ:nth-child(1)' do expect(page).to have_selector('.errors-summary') end end end end