class APIToken < ApplicationRecord include ActiveRecord::SecureToken belongs_to :administrateur, inverse_of: :api_tokens scope :expiring_within, -> (duration) { where(expires_at: } scope :without_any_expiration_notice_sent_within, -> (duration) do where.not('(expires_at - (?::interval)) <= some(expiration_notices_sent_at)', duration.iso8601) end scope :with_a_bigger_lifetime_than, -> (duration) do where('? < expires_at - created_at', duration.iso8601) end scope :with_expiration_notice_to_send_for, -> (duration) do # example for duration = 1.month # take all tokens that expire in the next month # with a lifetime bigger than 1 month # without any expiration notice sent for that period expiring_within(duration) .with_a_bigger_lifetime_than(duration) .without_any_expiration_notice_sent_within(duration) end before_save :sanitize_targeted_procedure_ids def context { administrateur_id:, api_token_id: id, procedure_ids:, write_access: } end def procedure_ids if full_access? administrateur.procedures.ids else sanitized_targeted_procedure_ids end end def procedures Procedure.where(id: procedure_ids) end def full_access? targeted_procedure_ids.nil? end def targetable_procedures administrateur .procedures .where.not(id: targeted_procedure_ids) .select(:id, :libelle, :path) .order(:libelle) end def sanitized_targeted_procedure_ids administrateur.procedures.ids.intersection(targeted_procedure_ids || []) end # Prefix is made of the first 6 characters of the uuid base64 encoded # it does not leak plain token def prefix Base64.urlsafe_encode64(id).slice(0, 5) end def store_new_ip(ip) set = if set.add?( update!(stored_ips: set.to_a) end end def authorized_networks_for_ui { "#{_1.to_string}/#{_1.prefix}" }.join(', ') end def forbidden_network?(ip) return false if authorized_networks.blank? authorized_networks.none? { |range| range.include?(ip) } end def expired? expires_at&.past? end def eternal? expires_at.nil? end class << self def generate(administrateur) plain_token = generate_unique_secure_token encrypted_token = BCrypt::Password.create(plain_token) api_token = create!(administrateur:, encrypted_token:, name:'Jeton d’API généré le %d/%m/%Y')) bearer =, plain_token) [api_token, bearer.to_string] end def authenticate(bearer_string) bearer = BearerToken.from_string(bearer_string) return if bearer.nil? api_token = find_by(id: bearer.api_token_id, version: 3) return if api_token.nil? == bearer.plain_token ? api_token : nil end end def last_used_at last_v2_authenticated_at || last_v1_authenticated_at end private def sanitize_targeted_procedure_ids if targeted_procedure_ids.present? write_attribute(:allowed_procedure_ids, sanitized_targeted_procedure_ids) end end def targeted_procedure_ids read_attribute(:allowed_procedure_ids) end class BearerToken < Data.define(:api_token_id, :plain_token) def to_string Base64.urlsafe_encode64([api_token_id, plain_token].join(';')) end def self.from_string(bearer_token) return if bearer_token.nil? api_token_id, plain_token = Base64.urlsafe_decode64(bearer_token).split(';'), plain_token) rescue ArgumentError end end end