class Users::PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController after_action :try_to_authenticate_instructeur, only: [:update] after_action :try_to_authenticate_administrateur, only: [:update] # GET /resource/password/new # def new # super # end # POST /resource/password def create # Check the credentials associated to the mail to generate a correct reset link email = params[:user][:email] if Administrateur.find_by(email: email) @devise_mapping = Devise.mappings[:administrateur] params[:administrateur] = params[:user] # uncomment to check password complexity for Instructeur # elsif Instructeur.find_by(email: email) # @devise_mapping = Devise.mappings[:instructeur] # params[:instructeur] = params[:user] end super end # GET /resource/password/edit?reset_password_token=abcdef # def edit # super # end # PUT /resource/password # def update # # params[:user][:password_confirmation] = params[:user][:password] # super # end # protected # def after_resetting_password_path_for(resource) # super(resource) # end # The path used after sending reset password instructions # def after_sending_reset_password_instructions_path_for(resource_name) # super(resource_name) # end def try_to_authenticate_instructeur if user_signed_in? instructeur = Instructeur.find_by(email: if instructeur sign_in(instructeur.user) end end end def try_to_authenticate_administrateur if user_signed_in? administrateur = Administrateur.find_by(email: if administrateur sign_in(administrateur.user) end end end def test_strength @score, @words, @length =[:password]).complexity @min_length = PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH @min_complexity = PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY_FOR_USER render 'shared/password/test_strength' end def password_params params.require(:user).permit(:reset_password_token, :password) end end