# frozen_string_literal: true class ChampPolicy < ApplicationPolicy # Scope for WRITING to a champ. # # (If the need for a scope to READ a champ emerges, we can implement another scope # in this file, following this example: https://github.com/varvet/pundit/issues/368#issuecomment-196111115) class Scope < ApplicationScope def resolve if user.blank? return scope.none end # The join must be the same for all elements of the WHERE clause. # # NB: here we want to do `.left_outer_joins(dossier: [:invites, { :groupe_instructeur: :instructeurs }]))`, # but for some reasons ActiveRecord <= 5.2 generates bogus SQL. Hence the manual version of it below. joined_scope = scope .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN dossiers ON dossiers.id = champs.dossier_id') .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN invites ON invites.dossier_id = dossiers.id OR invites.dossier_id = dossiers.editing_fork_origin_id') .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN groupe_instructeurs ON groupe_instructeurs.id = dossiers.groupe_instructeur_id') .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN assign_tos ON assign_tos.groupe_instructeur_id = groupe_instructeurs.id') .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN instructeurs ON instructeurs.id = assign_tos.instructeur_id') # Users can access public champs on their own dossiers. resolved_scope = joined_scope .where('dossiers.user_id': user.id, private: false) # Invited users can access public champs on dossiers they are invited to invite_clause = joined_scope .where('invites.user_id': user.id, private: false) resolved_scope = resolved_scope.or(invite_clause) if instructeur.present? # Additionnaly, instructeurs can access private champs # on dossiers they are allowed to instruct. instructeur_clause = joined_scope .where('instructeurs.id': instructeur.id, private: true) resolved_scope = resolved_scope.or(instructeur_clause) end resolved_scope.or(joined_scope.where('dossiers.for_procedure_preview': true)) end end end