class CleanupStaleExportsJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :cron def perform(*args) attachments = ActiveStorage::Attachment.where( "name in ('csv_export_file', 'ods_export_file', 'xlsx_export_file') and created_at < ?", Procedure::MAX_DUREE_CONSERVATION_EXPORT.ago ) attachments.each do |attachment| procedure = Procedure.find(attachment.record_id) # export can't be queued if it's already attached #  so we clean the flag up just in case it was not removed during # the asynchronous generation case when 'csv_export_file' procedure.update(csv_export_queued: false) when 'ods_export_file' procedure.update(ods_export_queued: false) when 'xlsx_export_file' procedure.update(xlsx_export_queued: false) end # and we remove the stale attachment attachment.purge_later end end end