class AttestationTemplate < ApplicationRecord include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper include TagsSubstitutionConcern belongs_to :procedure, inverse_of: :attestation_template has_one_attached :logo has_one_attached :signature enum state: { draft: 'draft', published: 'published' } validates :title, tags: true, if: -> { procedure.present? && version == 1 } validates :body, tags: true, if: -> { procedure.present? && version == 1 } validates :json_body, tags: true, if: -> { procedure.present? && version == 2 } validates :footer, length: { maximum: 190 } FILE_MAX_SIZE = 1.megabytes validates :logo, content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'], size: { less_than: FILE_MAX_SIZE } validates :signature, content_type: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg'], size: { less_than: FILE_MAX_SIZE } DOSSIER_STATE = Dossier.states.fetch(:accepte) scope :v1, -> { where(version: 1) } scope :v2, -> { where(version: 2) } TIPTAP_BODY_DEFAULT = { "type" => "doc", "content" => [ { "type" => "header", "content" => [ { "type" => "headerColumn", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "attrs" => { "textAlign" => "left" }, "content" => [{ "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_service_name", "label" => "nom du service" } }] } ] }, { "type" => "headerColumn", "content" => [ { "type" => "paragraph", "attrs" => { "textAlign" => "left" }, "content" => [ { "text" => "Fait le ", "type" => "text" }, { "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_processed_at", "label" => "date de décision" } } ] } ] } ] }, { "type" => "title", "attrs" => { "textAlign" => "center" }, "content" => [{ "text" => "Titre de l’attestation", "type" => "text" }] }, { "type" => "paragraph", "attrs" => { "textAlign" => "left" }, "content" => [ { "text" => "Vous pouvez éditer ce texte pour personnaliser votre attestation. Pour ajouter du contenu issu du dossier, utilisez les balises situées sous cette zone de saisie.", "type" => "text" } ] } ] }.freeze def attestation_for(dossier) attestation = attestation.title = replace_tags(title, dossier, escape: false) if version == 1 attestation.pdf.attach( io:, filename: "attestation-dossier-#{}.pdf", content_type: 'application/pdf', # we don't want to run virus scanner on this file metadata: { virus_scan_result: ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE } ) attestation end def unspecified_champs_for_dossier(dossier) champs_by_stable_id = dossier.champs_for_revision(root: true).index_by { "tdc#{_1.stable_id}" } used_tags.filter_map do |used_tag| corresponding_champ = champs_by_stable_id[used_tag] if corresponding_champ && corresponding_champ.blank? corresponding_champ end end end def dup attestation_template = super ClonePiecesJustificativesService.clone_attachments(self, attestation_template) attestation_template end def logo_url if logo.attached? Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.url_for(logo) end end def signature_url if signature.attached? Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.url_for(signature) end end def render_attributes_for(params = {}) groupe_instructeur = params[:groupe_instructeur] groupe_instructeur ||= params[:dossier]&.groupe_instructeur base_attributes = { created_at: Time.current, footer: params.fetch(:footer, footer), signature: signature_to_render(groupe_instructeur) } if version == 2 render_attributes_for_v2(params, base_attributes) else render_attributes_for_v1(params, base_attributes) end end def logo_checksum logo.attached? ? logo.checksum : nil end def signature_checksum signature.attached? ? signature.checksum : nil end def logo_filename logo.attached? ? logo.filename : nil end def signature_filename signature.attached? ? signature.filename : nil end def tiptap_body json_body&.to_json end def tiptap_body=(json) self.json_body = JSON.parse(json) end private def render_attributes_for_v1(params, base_attributes) attributes = base_attributes.merge( logo: params.fetch(:logo, logo.attached? ? logo : nil) ) dossier = params[:dossier] if dossier.present? attributes.merge( title: replace_tags(title, dossier, escape: false), body: replace_tags(body, dossier, escape: false) ) else attributes.merge( title: params.fetch(:title, title), body: params.fetch(:body, body) ) end end def render_attributes_for_v2(params, base_attributes) dossier = params[:dossier] json = json_body&.deep_symbolize_keys tiptap = if dossier.present? # 2x faster this way than with `replace_tags` which would reparse text used_tags = TiptapService.used_tags_and_libelle_for(json.deep_symbolize_keys) substitutions = tags_substitutions(used_tags, dossier, escape: false) body = tiptap.to_html(json, substitutions) attributes.merge( body: ) else attributes.merge( body: params.fetch(:body) { tiptap.to_html(json) } ) end end def signature_to_render(groupe_instructeur) if groupe_instructeur&.signature&.attached? groupe_instructeur.signature else signature end end def used_tags if version == 2 json = json_body&.deep_symbolize_keys TiptapService.used_tags_and_libelle_for(json.deep_symbolize_keys) else used_tags_for(title) + used_tags_for(body) end end def build_pdf(dossier) if version == 2 build_v2_pdf(dossier) else build_v1_pdf(dossier) end end def build_v1_pdf(dossier) attestation = render_attributes_for(dossier: dossier) ApplicationController.render( template: 'administrateurs/attestation_templates/show', formats: :pdf, assigns: { attestation: attestation } ) end def build_v2_pdf(dossier) body = render_attributes_for(dossier:).fetch(:body) html = ApplicationController.render( template: '/administrateurs/attestation_template_v2s/show', formats: [:html], layout: 'attestation', assigns: { attestation_template: self, body: body } ) WeasyprintService.generate_pdf(html, { procedure_id:, dossier_id: }) end end