# frozen_string_literal: true describe MailTemplateConcern do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) } let(:dossier2) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) } let(:initiated_mail) { create(:initiated_mail, procedure: procedure) } let(:justificatif) { fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/files/piece_justificative_0.pdf', 'application/pdf') } shared_examples "can replace tokens in template" do describe 'with no token to replace' do let(:template) { '[demarches-simplifiees.fr] rien à remplacer' } it do is_expected.to eq("[demarches-simplifiees.fr] rien à remplacer") end end describe 'with one token to replace' do let(:template) { '[demarches-simplifiees.fr] Dossier : --numéro du dossier--' } it do is_expected.to eq("[demarches-simplifiees.fr] Dossier : #{dossier.id}") end end describe 'with multiples tokens to replace' do let(:template) { '[demarches-simplifiees.fr] --numéro du dossier-- --libellé démarche-- --lien dossier--' } it do expected = "[demarches-simplifiees.fr] #{dossier.id} #{dossier.procedure.libelle} " + "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"http://test.host/dossiers/#{dossier.id}\">http://test.host/dossiers/#{dossier.id}</a>" is_expected.to eq(expected) end end end describe '#subject_for_dossier' do before { initiated_mail.subject = template } subject { initiated_mail.subject_for_dossier(dossier) } it_behaves_like "can replace tokens in template" end describe '#body_for_dossier' do before { initiated_mail.body = template } subject { initiated_mail.body_for_dossier(dossier) } it_behaves_like "can replace tokens in template" end describe 'tags' do describe 'in initiated mail' do it "does not treat date de passage en instruction as a tag" do expect(initiated_mail.tags).not_to include(include({ libelle: 'date de passage en instruction' })) end end describe 'in received mail' do let(:received_mail) { create(:received_mail, procedure: procedure) } it "treats date de passage en instruction as a tag" do expect(received_mail.tags).to include(include({ libelle: 'date de passage en instruction' })) end end describe '--lien attestation--' do let(:attestation_template) { AttestationTemplate.new(activated: true) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, attestation_template: attestation_template) } subject { mail.body_for_dossier(dossier) } before do dossier.attestation = dossier.build_attestation dossier.reload mail.body = "--lien attestation--" end describe "in closed mail without justificatif" do let(:mail) { create(:closed_mail, procedure: procedure) } it { is_expected.to eq("<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"http://test.host/dossiers/#{dossier.id}/attestation\">http://test.host/dossiers/#{dossier.id}/attestation</a>") } it { is_expected.to_not include("Télécharger le justificatif") } end describe "in closed mail with justificatif" do before do dossier.justificatif_motivation.attach(justificatif) end let(:mail) { create(:closed_mail, procedure: procedure) } it { expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to be_attached } it { is_expected.to include("<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\" href=\"http://test.host/dossiers/#{dossier.id}/attestation\">http://test.host/dossiers/#{dossier.id}/attestation</a>") } it { is_expected.to_not include("Télécharger le justificatif") } end describe "in refuse mail" do let(:mail) { create(:refused_mail, procedure: procedure) } it { is_expected.to eq("--lien attestation--") } end describe "in without continuation mail" do let(:mail) { create(:without_continuation_mail, procedure: procedure) } it { is_expected.to eq("--lien attestation--") } end end shared_examples 'inserting the --lien document justificatif-- tag' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } subject { mail.body_for_dossier(dossier) } before do mail.body = "--lien document justificatif--" end describe 'without justificatif' do it { is_expected.to include("[l’instructeur n’a pas joint de document supplémentaire]") } end describe 'with justificatif' do before do dossier.justificatif_motivation.attach(justificatif) end it { expect(dossier.justificatif_motivation).to be_attached } it { is_expected.to include("Télécharger le document justificatif") } end end context 'in closed mail' do let(:mail) { create(:closed_mail, procedure: procedure) } it_behaves_like 'inserting the --lien document justificatif-- tag' end context 'in refused mail' do let(:mail) { create(:refused_mail, procedure: procedure) } it_behaves_like 'inserting the --lien document justificatif-- tag' end context 'in without continuation mail' do let(:mail) { create(:without_continuation_mail, procedure: procedure) } it_behaves_like 'inserting the --lien document justificatif-- tag' end context 'sva/svr' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :sva) } let(:received_mail) { create(:received_mail, procedure:) } it "treats date de passage en instruction as a tag" do expect(received_mail.tags).to include(include({ libelle: 'date prévisionnelle SVA/SVR' })) end end end describe '#replace_tags' do before { initiated_mail.body = "n --numéro du dossier--" } it "avoids side effects" do expect(initiated_mail.body_for_dossier(dossier)).to eq("n #{dossier.id}") expect(initiated_mail.body_for_dossier(dossier2)).to eq("n #{dossier2.id}") end end describe '#update_rich_body' do before { initiated_mail.update(body: "Voici le corps du mail") } it { expect(initiated_mail.rich_body.to_plain_text).to eq(initiated_mail.body) } end end