require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper' describe 'Administrateurs can edit procedures', js: true do include ProcedureSpecHelper let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) } let!(:procedure) do create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :published, :with_path, :with_type_de_champ, administrateur: administrateur) end before do login_as administrateur.user, scope: :user end context 'when the procedure is in draft' do let!(:procedure) do create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :with_path, :with_type_de_champ, administrateur: administrateur) end scenario 'the administrator can edit the libelle' do visit admin_procedures_path(statut: "brouillons") click_on procedure.libelle find('#presentation').click expect(page).to have_field('procedure_libelle', with: procedure.libelle) fill_in('procedure_libelle', with: 'Ma petite démarche') within('.procedure-form__preview') do expect(page).to have_content('Ma petite démarche') end click_on 'Enregistrer' expect(page).to have_selector('.fr-breadcrumb li', text: 'Ma petite démarche') end end context 'when the procedure is published' do scenario 'the administrator can edit the libellé, but can‘t change the path' do visit root_path click_on procedure.libelle find('#presentation').click expect(page).to have_field('procedure_libelle', with: procedure.libelle) expect(page).not_to have_field('procedure_path') fill_in('procedure_libelle', with: 'Ma petite démarche') click_on 'Enregistrer' expect(page).to have_selector('.fr-breadcrumb li', text: 'Ma petite démarche') end end context 'when we associate tags' do scenario 'the administrator can edit and persist the tags' do procedure.update!(tags: ['social']) visit edit_admin_procedure_path(procedure) select_combobox('procedure_tags_combo', 'planete', 'planete', check: false) click_on 'Enregistrer' expect(procedure.reload.tags).to eq(['social', 'planete']) end scenario 'the tags are persisted when non interacting with the tags combobox' do procedure.update!(tags: ['social']) visit edit_admin_procedure_path(procedure) click_on 'Enregistrer' expect(procedure.reload.tags).to eq(['social']) end end context 'when duree extension > 12' do let!(:procedure) do create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :published, :with_path, :with_type_de_champ, duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds: 24, max_duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds: 24, administrateur: administrateur) end scenario 'the administrator can edit and persist title' do visit edit_admin_procedure_path(procedure) fill_in('Titre de la démarche', with: 'Hello') expect { click_on 'Enregistrer' }.to change { procedure.reload.libelle } end end end