# == Schema Information # # Table name: champs # # id :integer not null, primary key # data :jsonb # fetch_external_data_exceptions :string is an Array # private :boolean default(FALSE), not null # rebased_at :datetime # row :integer # type :string # value :string # value_json :jsonb # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # dossier_id :integer # etablissement_id :integer # external_id :string # parent_id :bigint # type_de_champ_id :integer # class Champs::RepetitionChamp < Champ accepts_nested_attributes_for :champs delegate :libelle_for_export, to: :type_de_champ def rows champs.group_by(&:row).values end def add_row(revision) added_champs = [] transaction do row = (blank? ? -1 : champs.last.row) + 1 revision.children_of(type_de_champ).each do |type_de_champ| added_champs << type_de_champ.champ.build(row: row) end self.champs << added_champs end added_champs end def blank? champs.empty? end def search_terms # The user cannot enter any information here so it doesn’t make much sense to search end def for_tag ([libelle] + rows.map do |champs| champs.map do |champ| "#{champ.libelle} : #{champ}" end.join("\n") end).join("\n\n") end def rows_for_export rows.each.with_index(1).map do |champs, index| Champs::RepetitionChamp::Row.new(index: index, dossier_id: dossier_id.to_s, champs: champs) end end class Row < Hashie::Dash property :index property :dossier_id property :champs def read_attribute_for_serialization(attribute) self[attribute] end def spreadsheet_columns(types_de_champ) [ ['Dossier ID', :dossier_id], ['Ligne', :index] ] + Dossier.champs_for_export(champs, types_de_champ) end end end