require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Manager::AdministrateurConfirmationsController, type: :controller do let(:inviter_super_admin) { create(:super_admin) } let(:inviter_administrateur) { create(:administrateur, email: } let(:invited_super_admin) { create(:super_admin) } let(:invited_administrateur) { create(:administrateur, email: } let(:confirmer_super_admin) { create(:super_admin) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, administrateurs: [inviter_administrateur]) } describe "GET #new" do subject(:new_request) do get :new, params: { procedure_id:, q: encrypt({ email:, inviter_id: }) } end shared_examples "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" do before { new_request } it { expect(response).to render_template(:new) } end shared_examples "current admin isn't allowed to confirm adding another one" do before { new_request } it { expect(flash[:alert]).to match(/Veuillez partager ce lien avec un autre super administrateur/) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(manager_procedure_path(procedure)) } end context 'when the current admin is the invited' do before { sign_in invited_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin isn't allowed to confirm adding another one" end context 'when the current admin is the inviter' do before { sign_in inviter_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin isn't allowed to confirm adding another one" end context 'when the current admin is not the invited nor the inviter' do before { sign_in confirmer_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" end describe 'edge cases' do context 'when the environment is development' do before { Rails.env.stub(development?: true) } context 'when the current admin is the inviter' do before { sign_in inviter_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" end context 'when the current admin is the invited' do before { sign_in invited_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" end end context 'when the encrypted params are invalid' do before { sign_in inviter_super_admin } before { get :new, params: { procedure_id:, q: "something that is invalid" } } it { expect(flash[:error]).to match(/Le lien que vous avez utilisé est invalide/) } end end end describe "GET #create" do subject(:create_request) do post :create, params: { procedure_id:, q: encrypt({ email:, inviter_id: }) } end shared_examples "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" do it "flashes the success message" do create_request expect(flash[:notice]).to include( expect(flash[:notice]).to match(/ajouté à la démarche/) end it "adds the admin to the procedure" do expect { create_request }.to change { procedure.administrateurs.count }.by(1) end it "redirects to the procedure" do create_request expect(response).to redirect_to(manager_procedure_path(procedure)) end end shared_examples "current admin isn't allowed to confirm adding another one" do before { create_request } it { expect(flash[:alert]).to match(/Veuillez partager ce lien avec un autre super administrateur/) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(manager_procedure_path(procedure)) } end context 'when the current admin is the invited' do before { sign_in invited_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin isn't allowed to confirm adding another one" end context 'when the current admin is the inviter' do before { sign_in inviter_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin isn't allowed to confirm adding another one" end context 'when the current admin is not the invited nor the inviter' do before { sign_in confirmer_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" end describe 'edge cases' do context 'when the environment is development' do before { Rails.env.stub(development?: true) } context 'when the current admin is the inviter' do before { sign_in inviter_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" end context 'when the current admin is the invited' do before { sign_in invited_super_admin } it_behaves_like "current admin is allowed to confirm adding another one" end end context 'when the encrypted params are invalid' do before { sign_in inviter_super_admin } before { post :create, params: { procedure_id:, q: "something that is invalid" } } it { expect(flash[:error]).to match(/Le lien que vous avez utilisé est invalide/) } end end end private def encrypt(parameters) key = Rails.application.key_generator.generate_key("confirm_adding_administrateur") verifier = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(verifier.generate(parameters)) end end