class Dsfr::InputComponent < ApplicationComponent include Dsfr::InputErrorable delegate :object, to: :@form delegate :errors, to: :object # use it to indicate detailed about the inputs, ex: # it uses aria-describedby on input and link it to yielded content renders_one :describedby def initialize(form:, attribute:, input_type: :text_field, opts: {}, required: true) @form = form @attribute = attribute @input_type = input_type @opts = opts @required = required end # add invalid class on input when input is invalid # and and valid on input only if another input is invalid def input_group_opts opts = { class: class_names({ 'fr-input-group': true, 'fr-password': password? }.merge(input_group_error_class_names)) } if email? opts[:data] = { controller: 'email-input' } end opts end def label_opts { class: class_names('fr-label': true, 'fr-password__label': password?) } end # errors helpers def error_messages errors.full_messages_for(attribute_or_rich_body) end def describedby_id dom_id(object, "#{@attribute}-messages") end # i18n lookups def label object.class.human_attribute_name(@attribute) end # kind of input helpers def password? @input_type == :password_field end def email? @input_type == :email_field end def show_password_id dom_id(object, "#{@attribute}_show_password") end private end