import { ApplicationController } from './application_controller'; const DATE_PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP = /[jJmMdD]{2}\/[jJmMdD]{2}\/[aAyY]{4}/; const DATE_EXAMPLE_REGEXP = /\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}/; const PARTS = { fr: { '15': 'JJ', '10': 'MM', '2022': 'AAAA' }, en: { '15': 'dd', '10': 'mm', '2022': 'yyyy' } }; export class DateInputHintController extends ApplicationController { connect() { this.fixDateFormat(this.element); } private fixDateFormat(input: Element) { const text = input.textContent ?? ''; const match = text.match(DATE_PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP); if (match) { const [placeholder, example] = this.translatePlaceholder(); // This component behaviour can be had to test and debug. We keep a (debug) log here to help. console.debug(`Replace ${match[0]} with ${placeholder} and ${example}`); input.textContent = text .replace(DATE_PLACEHOLDER_REGEXP, placeholder) .replace(DATE_EXAMPLE_REGEXP, example); } } private translatePlaceholder() { const locale = document.documentElement.lang as 'fr' | 'en'; const parts = PARTS[locale] ??; const example = new Date(2022, 9, 15).toLocaleDateString(); return [ Object.entries(parts).reduce( (text, [part, str]) => text.replace(part, str), example ), example ]; } }