# Optional environment variables # Application name, for display and generating links APPLICATION_NAME="demarches-simplifiees.fr" APPLICATION_SHORTNAME="d-s.fr" APPLICATION_BASE_URL="https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr" # If defined to "staging", tell the app that it's running on a staging instance DS_ENV="staging" # France Connect usage # FRANCE_CONNECT_ENABLED="disabled" # "enabled" by default # Agent Connect usage # AGENT_CONNECT_ENABLED="disabled" # "enabled" by default # Configure the maximum number of times a job is retried # MAX_ATTEMPTS_JOBS=25 # MAX_ATTEMPTS_API_ENTREPRISE_JOBS=5 # Instance customization: URLs for GTS and legal mentions # CGU_URL="" # MENTIONS_LEGALES_URL="" # Instance customization: support emails addresses and phone # CONTACT_EMAIL="" # EQUIPE_EMAIL="" # TECH_EMAIL="" # NO_REPLY_EMAIL="" # OLD_CONTACT_EMAIL="" # CONTACT_PHONE="" # Instance customization: postal address of the instance operator # CONTACT_ADDRESS="Incubateur de Services Numériques / beta.gouv.fr\nServices du Premier Ministre, 20 avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris" # Instance customization: URL for creating an admin account on the instance # DEMANDE_INSCRIPTION_ADMIN_PAGE_URL="" # Instance customization: URL of the documentation website # DOC_URL="https://doc.demarches-simplifiees.fr" # Instance customization: URL of the documentation support website # FAQ_URL="https://faq.demarches-simplifiees.fr" # Instance customization: URL of the accessibility statement # ACCESSIBILITE_URL="" # Instance customization: URL of the availability/status webpage # STATUS_PAGE_URL="" # Instance customization: Favicons ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # FAVICON_16PX_SRC="favicons/16x16.png" # FAVICON_32PX_SRC="favicons/32x32.png" # FAVICON_96PX_SRC="favicons/96x96.png" # Instance customization: Application logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # HEADER_LOGO_SRC="marianne.png" # HEADER_LOGO_ALT="" # HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH="65" # HEADER_LOGO_HEIGHT="56" # Instance customization: Emails header logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # MAILER_LOGO_SRC="mailer/instructeur_mailer/logo.png" # Instance customization: Emails footer logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # MAILER_FOOTER_LOGO_SRC="mailer/instructeur_mailer/logo-beta-gouv-fr.png" # Instance customization: Procedure default logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # PROCEDURE_DEFAULT_LOGO_SRC="republique-francaise-logo.svg" # Instance customization: PDF export logo ---> to be put in "app/assets/images" # DOSSIER_PDF_EXPORT_LOGO_SRC="app/assets/images/header/logo-ds-wide.svg" # Instance customization: watermark for identity documents # WATERMARK_FILE="" # Enabling maintenance mode # MAINTENANCE_MODE="true" # Enabling localization # LOCALIZATION_ENABLED="true" # Disabling 2FA for Super-Admins # SUPER_ADMIN_OTP_ENABLED = "disabled" # "enabled" par défaut # API Particulier # https://api.gouv.fr/les-api/api-particulier # API_PARTICULIER_URL="https://particulier.api.gouv.fr/api" # Admins and instructeurs can freely change their email to these domains # LEGIT_ADMIN_DOMAINS = "example.org;example.net" # External service: Matomo web analytics MATOMO_IFRAME_URL="https://matomo.example.org/index.php?module=CoreAdminHome&action=optOut&language=fr&&fontColor=333333&fontSize=16px&fontFamily=Muli" # Instance provider # PROVIDED_BY="la DINUM" # PROVIDER_NAME="DINUM" # PROVIDER_TITLE="Direction Interministérielle au Numérique" # PROVIDER_URL="https://numerique.gouv.fr/" # PROVIDER_LOGO_SRC="footer/logo-dinum.png" # PROVIDER_LOGO_ALT="Logo DINUM" # PROVIDER_LOGO_HEIGHT="161" # PROVIDER_LOGO_WIDTH="138" # Landing page sections # LANDING_TESTIMONIALS_ENABLED="enabled" # LANDING_USERS_ENABLED="enabled"