FactoryBot.define do sequence(:published_path) { |n| "fake_path#{n}" } factory :procedure do sequence(:libelle) { |n| "Procedure #{n}" } description { "Demande de subvention à l'intention des associations" } organisation { "Orga DINSIC" } direction { "direction DINSIC" } cadre_juridique { "un cadre juridique important" } published_at { nil } duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds { 3 } duree_conservation_dossiers_hors_ds { 6 } ask_birthday { false } lien_site_web { "https://mon-site.gouv" } transient do administrateur {} end after(:build) do |procedure, evaluator| if evaluator.administrateur procedure.administrateurs = [evaluator.administrateur] elsif procedure.administrateurs.empty? procedure.administrateurs = [create(:administrateur)] end end factory :procedure_with_dossiers do transient do dossiers_count { 1 } end after(:build) do |procedure, evaluator| procedure.dossiers << create_list(:dossier, evaluator.dossiers_count, procedure: procedure) end end factory :simple_procedure do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.for_individual = true procedure.types_de_champ << create(:type_de_champ, libelle: 'Texte obligatoire', mandatory: true) procedure.publish!(procedure.administrateurs.first, generate(:published_path), procedure.lien_site_web) end end trait :with_logo do logo { Rack::Test::UploadedFile.new("./spec/fixtures/files/logo_test_procedure.png", 'image/png') } end trait :with_path do path { generate(:published_path) } end trait :with_service do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.service = create(:service) end end trait :with_gestionnaire do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.gestionnaires << create(:gestionnaire) end end trait :for_individual do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.for_individual = true end end trait :with_type_de_champ do transient do types_de_champ_count { 1 } end after(:build) do |procedure, evaluator| evaluator.types_de_champ_count.times do type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ) procedure.types_de_champ << type_de_champ end end end trait :with_type_de_champ_private do transient do types_de_champ_private_count { 1 } end after(:build) do |procedure, evaluator| evaluator.types_de_champ_private_count.times do type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ, :private) procedure.types_de_champ_private << type_de_champ end end end trait :with_type_de_champ_mandatory do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ, mandatory: true) procedure.types_de_champ << type_de_champ end end trait :with_datetime do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ_datetime, mandatory: true) procedure.types_de_champ << type_de_champ end end trait :with_dossier_link do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ_dossier_link) procedure.types_de_champ << type_de_champ end end trait :with_yes_no do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ_yes_no) procedure.types_de_champ << type_de_champ end end trait :with_piece_justificative do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| type_de_champ = create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative) procedure.types_de_champ << type_de_champ end end trait :published do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.publish!(procedure.administrateurs.first, generate(:published_path), procedure.lien_site_web) end end trait :archived do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.publish!(procedure.administrateurs.first, generate(:published_path), procedure.lien_site_web) procedure.archive! end end trait :archived_automatically do # For now the behavior is the same than :archived # (it may be different in the future though) after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.publish!(procedure.administrateurs.first, generate(:published_path), procedure.lien_site_web) procedure.archive! end end trait :hidden do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.publish!(procedure.administrateurs.first, generate(:published_path), procedure.lien_site_web) procedure.hide! end end trait :whitelisted do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.update(whitelisted_at: Time.zone.now) end end trait :with_notice do after(:create) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.notice.attach( io: StringIO.new('Hello World'), filename: 'hello.txt' ) end end trait :with_deliberation do after(:create) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.deliberation.attach( io: StringIO.new('Hello World'), filename: 'hello.txt' ) end end trait :with_all_champs_mandatory do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.types_de_champ = TypeDeChamp.type_champs.map.with_index do |(libelle, type_champ), index| if libelle == 'drop_down_list' libelle = 'simple_drop_down_list' end build(:"type_de_champ_#{type_champ}", mandatory: true, libelle: libelle, order_place: index) end end end trait :with_all_champs do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.types_de_champ = TypeDeChamp.type_champs.map.with_index do |(libelle, type_champ), index| if libelle == 'drop_down_list' libelle = 'simple_drop_down_list' end build(:"type_de_champ_#{type_champ}", libelle: libelle, order_place: index) end end end trait :with_all_annotations do after(:build) do |procedure, _evaluator| procedure.types_de_champ_private = TypeDeChamp.type_champs.map.with_index do |(libelle, type_champ), index| if libelle == 'drop_down_list' libelle = 'simple_drop_down_list' end build(:"type_de_champ_#{type_champ}", private: true, libelle: libelle, order_place: index) end end end end end