shared_examples 'champ_spec' do describe 'mandatory_and_blank?' do let(:type_de_champ) { mandatory) } let(:champ) { type_de_champ, value: value) } let(:value) { '' } let(:mandatory) { true } context 'when mandatory and blank' do it { expect(champ.mandatory_and_blank?).to be(true) } end context 'when not blank' do let(:value) { 'yop' } it { expect(champ.mandatory_and_blank?).to be(false) } end context 'when not mandatory' do let(:mandatory) { false } it { expect(champ.mandatory_and_blank?).to be(false) } end context 'when not mandatory or blank' do let(:value) { 'u' } let(:mandatory) { false } it { expect(champ.mandatory_and_blank?).to be(false) } end end describe 'data_provide' do let(:champ) { create :champ } subject { champ.data_provide } context 'when type_champ is datetime' do before do champ.type_de_champ = create :type_de_champ_public, type_champ: 'datetime' end it { eq 'datepicker' } end context 'when type_champ is address' do before do champ.type_de_champ = create :type_de_champ_public, type_champ: 'address' end it { eq 'typeahead' } end end describe '.departement', vcr: { cassette_name: 'call_geo_api_departements' } do subject { Champ.departements } it { expect(subject).to include '99 - Étranger' } end context "when type_champ=date" do let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_public, type_champ: "date") } let(:champ) { create(:champ, type_de_champ: type_de_champ) } it "should convert %d/%m/%Y format to ISO" do champ.value = "31/12/2017" champ.reload expect(champ.value).to eq("2017-12-31") end it "should convert to nil if date parse failed" do champ.value = "bla" champ.reload expect(champ.value).to be(nil) end it "should convert empty string to nil" do champ.value = "" champ.reload expect(champ.value).to be(nil) end end end