import { useState, useCallback, useEffect } from 'react'; import { httpRequest, fire } from '@utils'; import type { Feature, FeatureCollection, Geometry } from 'geojson'; export const SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR = 'selection_utilisateur'; export const SOURCE_CADASTRE = 'cadastre'; export type CreateFeatures = (params: { features: Feature[]; source?: string; external?: true; }) => void; export type UpdateFatures = (params: { features: Feature[]; source?: string; external?: true; }) => void; export type DeleteFeatures = (params: { features: Feature[]; source?: string; external?: true; }) => void; export function useFeatureCollection( initialFeatureCollection: FeatureCollection, { url }: { url: string } ) { const [error, onError] = useError(); const [featureCollection, setFeatureCollection] = useState( initialFeatureCollection ); const refreshFeatureList = useCallback<() => void>(() => { httpRequest(url) .turbo() .catch(() => null); }, [url]); const updateFeatureCollection = useCallback< (callback: (features: Feature[]) => Feature[]) => void >( (callback) => { setFeatureCollection(({ features }) => ({ type: 'FeatureCollection', features: callback(features) })); refreshFeatureList(); }, [refreshFeatureList, setFeatureCollection] ); const addFeatures = useCallback( (features: (Feature & { lid?: string })[], external: boolean) => { for (const feature of features) { if (feature.lid) { fire(document, 'map:internal:draw:setId', { lid: feature.lid, id: }); delete feature.lid; } if (external) { if ( == SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR) { fire(document, 'map:internal:draw:add', { feature: { id:, ...feature } }); } else { fire(document, 'map:internal:cadastre:highlight', { cid:, highlight: true }); } } } }, [] ); const removeFeatures = useCallback( (features: Feature[], external: boolean) => { if (external) { for (const feature of features) { if ( == SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR) { fire(document, 'map:internal:draw:delete', { id: }); } else { fire(document, 'map:internal:cadastre:highlight', { cid:, highlight: false }); } } } }, [] ); const createFeatures = useCallback( async ({ features, source = SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR, external = false }) => { try { const newFeatures: Feature[] = []; for (const feature of features) { const data = await httpRequest(url, { method: 'post', json: { feature, source } }).json<{ feature: Feature & { lid?: string | number } }>(); if (data) { if (source == SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR) { data.feature.lid =; } newFeatures.push(data.feature); } } addFeatures(newFeatures, external); updateFeatureCollection((features) => [...features, ...newFeatures]); } catch (error) { console.error(error); onError('Le polygone dessiné n’est pas valide.'); } }, [url, updateFeatureCollection, addFeatures, onError] ); const updateFeatures = useCallback( async ({ features, source = SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR, external = false }) => { try { const newFeatures: Feature[] = []; for (const feature of features) { const id =; if (id) { await httpRequest(`${url}/${id}`, { method: 'patch', json: { feature } }).json(); } else { const data = await httpRequest(url, { method: 'post', json: { feature, source } }).json<{ feature: Feature & { lid?: string | number } }>(); if (data) { if (source == SOURCE_SELECTION_UTILISATEUR) { data.feature.lid =; } newFeatures.push(data.feature); } } } if (newFeatures.length > 0) { addFeatures(newFeatures, external); updateFeatureCollection((features) => [...features, ...newFeatures]); } else { refreshFeatureList(); } } catch (error) { console.error(error); onError('Le polygone dessiné n’est pas valide.'); } }, [url, refreshFeatureList, updateFeatureCollection, addFeatures, onError] ); const deleteFeatures = useCallback( async ({ features, external = false }) => { try { const deletedFeatures = []; for (const feature of features) { const id =; await httpRequest(`${url}/${id}`, { method: 'delete' }).json(); deletedFeatures.push(feature); } removeFeatures(deletedFeatures, external); const deletedFeatureIds = ({ properties }) => properties?.id ); updateFeatureCollection((features) => features.filter( ({ properties }) => !deletedFeatureIds.includes(properties?.id) ) ); } catch (error) { console.error(error); onError('Le polygone n’a pas pu être supprimé.'); } }, [url, updateFeatureCollection, removeFeatures, onError] ); return { featureCollection, error, createFeatures, updateFeatures, deleteFeatures }; } function useError(): [string | undefined, (message: string) => void] { const [error, onError] = useState(); useEffect(() => { const timer = setTimeout(() => onError(undefined), 5000); return () => clearTimeout(timer); }, [error]); return [error, onError]; }