import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl'; import ReactMapboxGl, { GeoJSONLayer, ZoomControl } from 'react-mapbox-gl'; import DrawControl from 'react-mapbox-gl-draw'; import SwitchMapStyle from './SwitchMapStyle'; import SearchInput from './SearchInput'; import { getJSON, ajax } from '@utils'; import { gpx, kml } from '@tmcw/togeojson/dist/'; import ortho from '../MapStyles/ortho.json'; import orthoCadastre from '../MapStyles/orthoCadastre.json'; import vector from '../MapStyles/vector.json'; import vectorCadastre from '../MapStyles/vectorCadastre.json'; import { polygonCadastresFill, polygonCadastresLine } from './utils'; import '@mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/dist/mapbox-gl-draw.css'; const Map = ReactMapboxGl({}); function filterFeatureCollection(featureCollection, source) { return { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: featureCollection.features.filter( (feature) => === source ) }; } function noop() {} function MapEditor({ featureCollection, url, preview, hasCadastres }) { const drawControl = useRef(null); const [style, setStyle] = useState('ortho'); const [coords, setCoords] = useState([1.7, 46.9]); const [zoom, setZoom] = useState([5]); const [currentMap, setCurrentMap] = useState({}); const [bbox, setBbox] = useState(featureCollection.bbox); const [importInputs, setImportInputs] = useState([]); let mapStyle = style === 'ortho' ? ortho : vector; if (hasCadastres) { mapStyle = style === 'ortho' ? orthoCadastre : vectorCadastre; } const cadastresFeatureCollection = filterFeatureCollection( featureCollection, 'cadastre' ); function updateFeaturesList(features) { const cadastres = features.find( ({ geometry }) => geometry.type === 'Polygon' ); ajax({ url, type: 'get', data: cadastres ? 'cadastres=update' : '' }); } function setFeatureId(lid, feature) { const draw = drawControl.current.draw; draw.setFeatureProperty(lid, 'id',; } const generateId = () => Math.random().toString(20).substr(2, 6); const updateImportInputs = (inputs, inputId) => { const updatedInputs = inputs.filter((input) => !== inputId); setImportInputs(updatedInputs); }; async function onDrawCreate({ features }) { for (const feature of features) { const data = await getJSON(url, { feature }, 'post'); setFeatureId(, data.feature); } updateFeaturesList(features); } async function onDrawUpdate({ features }) { for (const feature of features) { let { id } =; await getJSON(`${url}/${id}`, { feature }, 'patch'); } updateFeaturesList(features); } async function onDrawDelete({ features }) { for (const feature of features) { const { id } =; await getJSON(`${url}/${id}`, null, 'delete'); } updateFeaturesList(features); } const onMapLoad = (map) => { setCurrentMap(map); drawControl.current.draw.set( filterFeatureCollection(featureCollection, 'selection_utilisateur') ); }; const onCadastresUpdate = (evt) => { if (currentMap) { currentMap .getSource('cadastres-layer') .setData( filterFeatureCollection(evt.detail.featureCollection, 'cadastre') ); } }; const onFileImport = (e, inputId) => { const isGpxFile =[0].name.includes('.gpx'); let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText([0], 'UTF-8'); reader.onload = async (event) => { let featureCollection; isGpxFile ? (featureCollection = gpx( new DOMParser().parseFromString(, 'text/xml') )) : (featureCollection = kml( new DOMParser().parseFromString(, 'text/xml') )); const resultFeatureCollection = await getJSON( `${url}/import`, featureCollection, 'post' ); let inputs = [...importInputs]; const setInputs = => { if ( === inputId) { input.disabled = true; input.hasValue = true; resultFeatureCollection.features.forEach((feature) => { if ( JSON.stringify(feature.geometry) === JSON.stringify(featureCollection.features[0].geometry) ) { input.featureId =; } }); } return input; }); drawControl.current.draw.set( filterFeatureCollection( resultFeatureCollection, 'selection_utilisateur' ) ); updateFeaturesList(resultFeatureCollection.features); setImportInputs(setInputs); setBbox(resultFeatureCollection.bbox); }; }; const addInputFile = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); let inputs = [...importInputs]; inputs.push({ id: generateId(), disabled: false, featureId: null, hasValue: false }); setImportInputs(inputs); }; const removeInputFile = async (e, inputId) => { e.preventDefault(); const draw = drawControl.current.draw; const featureCollection = draw.getAll(); let inputs = [...importInputs]; const inputToRemove = inputs.find((input) => === inputId); for (const feature of featureCollection.features) { if (inputToRemove.featureId === { const featureToRemove = draw.get(; await getJSON(`${url}/${inputToRemove.featureId}`, null, 'delete'); draw.delete(; updateFeaturesList([featureToRemove]); } } updateImportInputs(inputs, inputId); }; useEffect(() => { addEventListener('cadastres:update', onCadastresUpdate); return () => removeEventListener('cadastres:update', onCadastresUpdate); }); if (!mapboxgl.supported()) { return (

Nous ne pouvons pas afficher notre éditeur de carte car il est imcompatible avec votre navigateur. Nous vous conseillons de le mettre à jour ou utiliser les dernières versions de Chrome, Firefox ou Safari

); } return ( <>

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{ => (
onFileImport(e,} /> {input.hasValue && ( removeInputFile(e,} > )}
{ setCoords(searchTerm); setZoom([17]); }} />
onMapLoad(map)} fitBounds={bbox} fitBoundsOptions={{ padding: 100 }} center={coords} zoom={zoom} style={mapStyle} containerStyle={{ height: '500px' }} >
style === 'ortho' ? setStyle('vector') : setStyle('ortho') } >
); } MapEditor.propTypes = { featureCollection: PropTypes.shape({ bbox: PropTypes.array, features: PropTypes.array, id: PropTypes.number }), url: PropTypes.string, preview: PropTypes.bool, hasCadastres: PropTypes.bool }; export default MapEditor;