class StatsController < ApplicationController layout "new_application" MEAN_NUMBER_OF_CHAMPS_IN_A_FORM = 24.0 def index procedures = Procedure.where(:published => true) dossiers = Dossier.where.not(:state => :draft) @procedures_count = procedures.count @dossiers_count = dossiers.count @procedures_cumulative = cumulative_hash(procedures) @procedures_in_the_last_4_months = last_four_months_hash(procedures) @dossiers_cumulative = cumulative_hash(dossiers, :initiated_at) @dossiers_in_the_last_4_months = last_four_months_hash(dossiers, :initiated_at) @procedures_count_per_administrateur = procedures_count_per_administrateur(procedures) @dossier_instruction_mean_time = Rails.cache.fetch("dossier_instruction_mean_time", expires_in: do dossier_instruction_mean_time(dossiers) end @dossier_filling_mean_time = Rails.cache.fetch("dossier_filling_mean_time", expires_in: do dossier_filling_mean_time(dossiers) end @avis_usage = avis_usage @avis_average_answer_time = avis_average_answer_time @avis_answer_percentages = avis_answer_percentages @motivation_usage_dossier = motivation_usage_dossier @motivation_usage_procedure = motivation_usage_procedure end private def last_four_months_hash(association, date_attribute = :created_at) min_date = 3.months.ago.beginning_of_month.to_date if administration_signed_in? max_date = else max_date = - 1.second end association .where(date_attribute => min_date..max_date) .group("DATE_TRUNC('month', #{date_attribute.to_s})") .count .to_a .sort{ |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] } .map { |e| [I18n.l(e.first, format: "%B %Y"), e.last] } end def cumulative_hash(association, date_attribute = :created_at) sum = 0 association .group("DATE_TRUNC('month', #{date_attribute.to_s})") .count .to_a .sort{ |x, y| x[0] <=> y[0] } .map { |x, y| { x => (sum += y)} } .reduce({}, :merge) end def procedures_count_per_administrateur(procedures) count_per_administrateur = { 'Une procédure' => { |count| count == 1 }.count, 'Entre deux et cinq procédures' => { |count| 2 <= count && count <= 5 }.count, 'Plus de cinq procédures' => { |count| 5 < count }.count } end def mean(collection) (collection.sum.to_f / collection.size).round(2) end def percentage(numerator, denominator) ((numerator.to_f / denominator) * 100).round(2) end def dossier_instruction_mean_time(dossiers) # In the 12 last months, we compute for each month # the average time it took to instruct a dossier # We compute monthly averages by first making an average per procedure # and then computing the average for all the procedures min_date = 11.months.ago max_date = processed_dossiers = dossiers .where(:processed_at => min_date..max_date) .pluck(:procedure_id, :initiated_at, :processed_at) # Group dossiers by month processed_dossiers_by_month = processed_dossiers .group_by do |dossier| dossier[2].beginning_of_month.to_s end do |month, value| # Group the dossiers for this month by procedure dossiers_grouped_by_procedure = value.group_by { |dossier| dossier[0] } # Compute the mean time for this procedure procedure_processing_times = do |procedure_id, procedure_dossiers| procedure_dossiers_processing_time = do |dossier| (dossier[2] - dossier[1]).to_f / (3600 * 24) end mean(procedure_dossiers_processing_time) end # Compute the average mean time for all the procedures of this month month_average = mean(procedure_processing_times) [month, month_average] end.to_h end def dossier_filling_mean_time(dossiers) # In the 12 last months, we compute for each month # the average time it took to fill a dossier # We compute monthly averages by first making an average per procedure # and then computing the average for all the procedures # For each procedure, we normalize the data: the time is calculated # for a 24 champs form (the current form mean length) min_date = 11.months.ago max_date = processed_dossiers = dossiers .where(:processed_at => min_date..max_date) .pluck(:procedure_id, :created_at, :initiated_at, :processed_at) # Group dossiers by month processed_dossiers_by_month = processed_dossiers .group_by do |e| e[3].beginning_of_month.to_s end do |month, value| # Group the dossiers for this month by procedure dossiers_grouped_by_procedure = value.group_by { |dossier| dossier[0] } # Compute the mean time for this procedure procedure_processing_times = do |procedure_id, procedure_dossiers| procedure_dossiers_processing_time = do |dossier| (dossier[2] - dossier[1]).to_f / 60 end procedure_mean = mean(procedure_dossiers_processing_time) # We normalize the data for 24 fields procedure_fields_count = Procedure.find(procedure_id).types_de_champ.count procedure_mean * (MEAN_NUMBER_OF_CHAMPS_IN_A_FORM / procedure_fields_count) end # Compute the average mean time for all the procedures of this month month_average = mean(procedure_processing_times) [month, month_average] end.to_h end def avis_usage [3.week.ago, 2.week.ago, 1.week.ago].map do |min_date| max_date = min_date + 1.week weekly_dossiers = Dossier.includes(:avis).where(created_at: min_date..max_date).to_a weekly_dossiers_count = weekly_dossiers.count if weekly_dossiers_count == 0 result = 0 else weekly_dossier_with_avis_count = { |dossier| dossier.avis.present? }.count result = percentage(weekly_dossier_with_avis_count, weekly_dossiers_count) end [min_date.to_i, result] end end def avis_average_answer_time [3.week.ago, 2.week.ago, 1.week.ago].map do |min_date| max_date = min_date + 1.week average = Avis.with_answer .where(created_at: min_date..max_date) .average("EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM updated_at - created_at) / 86400") result = average ? average.to_f.round(2) : 0 [min_date.to_i, result] end end def avis_answer_percentages [3.week.ago, 2.week.ago, 1.week.ago].map do |min_date| max_date = min_date + 1.week weekly_avis = Avis.where(created_at: min_date..max_date) weekly_avis_count = weekly_avis.count if weekly_avis_count == 0 [min_date.to_i, 0] else answered_weekly_avis_count = weekly_avis.with_answer.count result = percentage(answered_weekly_avis_count, weekly_avis_count) [min_date.to_i, result] end end end def motivation_usage_dossier [3.week.ago, 2.week.ago, 1.week.ago].map do |date| min_date = date.beginning_of_week max_date = date.end_of_week weekly_termine_dossiers = Dossier.where(processed_at: min_date..max_date) weekly_termine_dossiers_count = weekly_termine_dossiers.count weekly_termine_dossiers_with_motivation_count = weekly_termine_dossiers.where.not(motivation: nil).count if weekly_termine_dossiers_count == 0 result = 0 else result = percentage(weekly_termine_dossiers_with_motivation_count, weekly_termine_dossiers_count) end [l(max_date, format: '%d/%m/%Y'), result] end end def motivation_usage_procedure [3.week.ago, 2.week.ago, 1.week.ago].map do |date| min_date = date.beginning_of_week max_date = date.end_of_week procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week = Procedure .joins(:dossiers) .where(dossiers: { processed_at: min_date..max_date }) procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week_count = procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week .uniq .count procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week_and_with_motivation_count = procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week .where .not(dossiers: { motivation: nil }) .uniq .count if procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week_count == 0 result = 0 else result = percentage(procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week_and_with_motivation_count, procedures_with_dossier_processed_this_week_count) end [l(max_date, format: '%d/%m/%Y'), result] end end end