shared_examples 'description_controller_spec' do describe 'GET #show' do before do dossier.update_column :autorisation_donnees, true end context 'user is not connected' do before do sign_out dossier.user end it 'redirects to users/sign_in' do get :show, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id } expect(response).to redirect_to('/users/sign_in') end end context 'when all is ok' do before do dossier.entreprise = create :entreprise get :show, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id } end it 'returns http success' do expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end context 'procedure is archived' do render_views let(:archived_at) { } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) } it { expect(response.body).to_not have_content(I18n.t('errors.messages.procedure_archived')) } context 'dossier is a brouillon' do let(:state) { 'brouillon' } it { expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) } it { expect(response.body).to have_content(I18n.t('errors.messages.procedure_archived')) } end end end it 'redirection vers start si mauvais dossier ID' do get :show, params: { dossier_id: bad_dossier_id } expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end it_behaves_like "not owner of dossier", :show describe 'before_action authorized_routes?' do context 'when dossier does not have a valid state' do before do dossier.state = 'en_instruction' get :show, params: { dossier_id: } end it { redirect_to root_path } end end describe 'before action check_autorisation_donnees' do subject { get :show, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id } } context 'when dossier does not have a valid autorisations_donness (nil)' do before do dossier.update_column :autorisation_donnees, nil end it { expect(subject).to redirect_to "/users/dossiers/#{}" } end context 'when dossier does not have a valid autorisations_donness (false)' do before do dossier.update_column :autorisation_donnees, false end it { expect(subject).to redirect_to "/users/dossiers/#{}" } end end describe 'before action check_starter_dossier_informations' do subject { get :show, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id } } context 'when dossier does not have an enterprise datas' do it { expect(dossier.entreprise).to be_nil } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to "/users/dossiers/#{}" } end context 'when dossier does not have an individual datas' do before do procedure.update_column :for_individual, true end it { expect(dossier.individual).to be_nil } it { expect(subject).to redirect_to "/users/dossiers/#{}" } end end end describe 'POST #update' do context 'Tous les attributs sont bons' do describe 'Premier enregistrement des données' do let(:state) { 'brouillon' } def submit_dossier post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, submit: submit } dossier.reload end context "when the user submits the dossier" do let(:submit) { { nouveaux: 'nouveaux' } } it "redirection vers la page recapitulative" do submit_dossier expect(response).to redirect_to("/users/dossiers/#{dossier_id}/recapitulatif") end it 'etat du dossier est en construction' do submit_dossier expect(dossier.state).to eq('en_construction') end context 'sending the accusé de réception mail' do before { Timecop.freeze( } after { Timecop.return } it 'sets the state of the dossier before sending the mail' do expect_any_instance_of(Mails::InitiatedMail) .to receive(:subject_for_dossier) .with(have_attributes(en_construction_at: submit_dossier end end end context 'when user saves a brouillon' do let(:submit) { { brouillon: 'brouillon' } } it "reste sur la page du dossier" do submit_dossier expect(response).to redirect_to("/users/dossiers/#{dossier_id}/description") end it 'etat du dossier est brouillon' do submit_dossier expect(dossier.state).to eq('brouillon') end end context 'when user saves a brouillon and goes to dashboard' do let(:submit) { { brouillon_then_dashboard: 'brouillon_then_dashboard' } } it "goes to dashboard" do submit_dossier expect(response).to redirect_to("/users/dossiers?liste=brouillon") end it 'etat du dossier est brouillon' do submit_dossier expect(dossier.state).to eq('brouillon') end end end context 'En train de manipuler un dossier non brouillon' do before do dossier.en_construction! post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id } dossier.reload end it 'Redirection vers la page récapitulatif' do expect(response).to redirect_to("/users/dossiers/#{dossier_id}/recapitulatif") end it 'etat du dossier n\'est pas soumis' do expect(dossier.state).not_to eq('brouillon') end end end context 'Quand la procédure accepte les CERFA' do subject { post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, cerfa_pdf: cerfa_pdf } } it 'Notification interne is create' do expect { subject }.to change(Notification, :count).by (1) end context 'Sauvegarde du CERFA PDF', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_save_cerfa' } do before do post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, cerfa_pdf: cerfa_pdf } dossier.reload end context 'when a CERFA PDF is sent', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_cerfa_is_sent' } do subject { dossier.cerfa.first } it 'content' do if Features.remote_storage expect(subject['content']).to eq('cerfa-3dbb3535-5388-4a37-bc2d-778327b9f999.pdf') else expect(subject['content']).to eq('cerfa.pdf') end end it 'dossier_id' do expect(subject.dossier_id).to eq(dossier_id) end it { expect(subject.user).to eq user } end context 'les anciens CERFA PDF ne sont pas écrasées' do let(:cerfas) { Cerfa.where(dossier_id: dossier_id) } before do post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, cerfa_pdf: cerfa_pdf } end it "il y a deux CERFA PDF pour ce dossier" do expect(cerfas.size).to eq 2 end end end end context 'Quand la procédure n\'accepte pas les CERFA' do context 'Sauvegarde du CERFA PDF' do let!(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } before do post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, cerfa_pdf: cerfa_pdf } dossier.reload end context 'un CERFA PDF est envoyé' do it { expect(dossier.cerfa_available?).to be_falsey } end end end describe 'Sauvegarde des champs' do let(:champs_dossier) { dossier.champs } let(:dossier_text_value) { 'test value' } let(:dossier_date_value) { '2018-01-31' } let(:dossier_hour_value) { '17' } let(:dossier_minute_value) { '00' } let(:dossier_datetime_champ_id) { dossier.champs.find { |c| c.type_champ == "datetime" }.id } let(:dossier_text_champ_id) { dossier.champs.find { |c| c.type_champ == "text" }.id } let(:params) { { dossier_id: dossier_id, champs: { "'#{dossier_text_champ_id}'" => dossier_text_value, "'#{dossier_datetime_champ_id}'" => dossier_date_value }, time_hour: { "'#{dossier_datetime_champ_id}'" => dossier_hour_value, }, time_minute: { "'#{dossier_datetime_champ_id}'" => dossier_minute_value, } } } before do post :update, params: params dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.champs.find(dossier_text_champ_id).value).to eq(dossier_text_value) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to users_dossier_recapitulatif_path } context 'when champs is type_de_champ datetime' do it { expect(dossier.champs.find(dossier_datetime_champ_id).value).to eq("#{dossier_date_value} #{dossier_hour_value}:#{dossier_minute_value}") } end context 'when champs value is empty' do let(:dossier_text_value) { '' } it { expect(dossier.champs.find(dossier_text_champ_id).value).to eq(dossier_text_value) } it { expect(response).to redirect_to users_dossier_recapitulatif_path } context 'when champs is mandatory' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_two_type_de_piece_justificative, :with_type_de_champ_mandatory, :with_datetime, cerfa_flag: true) } it { expect(response).not_to redirect_to users_dossier_recapitulatif_path } it { expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present } end end end context 'Sauvegarde des pièces justificatives', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_sauvegarde_pj' } do let(:all_pj_type) { dossier.procedure.type_de_piece_justificative_ids } before do post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[0].to_s}" => piece_justificative_0, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[1].to_s}" => piece_justificative_1 } dossier.reload end describe 'clamav anti-virus presence', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_clamav_presence' } do it 'ClamavService safe_file? is call' do expect(ClamavService).to receive(:safe_file?).twice post :update, params: { dossier_id: dossier_id, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[0].to_s}" => piece_justificative_0, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[1].to_s}" => piece_justificative_1 } end end context 'for piece 0' do subject { dossier.retrieve_last_piece_justificative_by_type all_pj_type[0].to_s } it { expect(subject.content).not_to be_nil } it { expect(subject.user).to eq user } end context 'for piece 1' do subject { dossier.retrieve_last_piece_justificative_by_type all_pj_type[1].to_s } it { expect(subject.content).not_to be_nil } it { expect(subject.user).to eq user } end end context 'La procédure est archivée' do let(:archived_at) { } before do post :update, params: { dossier_id: } end it { expect(response.status).to eq(302) } context 'Le dossier est en brouillon' do let(:state) { 'brouillon' } it { expect(response.status).to eq(403) } end end end describe 'POST #pieces_justificatives', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_pieces_justificatives' } do let(:all_pj_type) { dossier.procedure.type_de_piece_justificative_ids } subject { patch :pieces_justificatives, params: { dossier_id:, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[0].to_s}" => piece_justificative_0, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[1].to_s}" => piece_justificative_1 } } context 'when user is a guest' do let(:guest) { create :user } before do create :invite, dossier: dossier, email:, user: guest sign_in guest end it 'Notification interne is create' do expect { subject }.to change(Notification, :count).by (1) end context 'when PJ have no documents' do it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 0 } context 'when upload two PJ' do before do subject dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 2 } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present } it { redirect_to users_dossiers_invite_path(id: guest.invites.find_by_dossier_id( } end end context 'when PJ have already a document' do before do create :piece_justificative, :rib, dossier: dossier, type_de_piece_justificative_id: all_pj_type[0] create :piece_justificative, :contrat, dossier: dossier, type_de_piece_justificative_id: all_pj_type[1] end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 2 } context 'when upload two PJ', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_upload_2pj' } do before do subject dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 4 } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present } it { redirect_to users_dossiers_invite_path(id: guest.invites.find_by_dossier_id( } end end context 'when one of PJs is not valid' do let(:piece_justificative_0) {"./spec/support/files/entreprise.json", 'application/json') } it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 0 } context 'when upload two PJ' do before do subject dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 1 } it { expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present } it { redirect_to users_dossiers_invite_path(id: guest.invites.find_by_dossier_id( } end end end end end shared_examples 'description_controller_spec_POST_piece_justificatives_for_owner' do let(:all_pj_type) { dossier.procedure.type_de_piece_justificative_ids } subject { patch :pieces_justificatives, params: { dossier_id:, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[0].to_s}" => piece_justificative_0, "piece_justificative_#{all_pj_type[1].to_s}" => piece_justificative_1 } } context 'when user is the owner', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_pieces_justificatives' } do before do sign_in user end context 'when PJ have no documents' do it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 0 } context 'when upload two PJ' do before do subject dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 2 } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present } it { redirect_to recapitulatif_path } end end context 'when PJ have already a document', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_pj_already_exist' } do before do create :piece_justificative, :rib, dossier: dossier, type_de_piece_justificative_id: all_pj_type[0] create :piece_justificative, :contrat, dossier: dossier, type_de_piece_justificative_id: all_pj_type[1] end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 2 } context 'when upload two PJ', vcr: { cassette_name: 'controllers_users_description_controller_pj_already_exist_upload_2pj' } do before do subject dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 4 } it { expect(flash[:notice]).to be_present } it { redirect_to recapitulatif_path } end end context 'when one of PJs is not valid' do let(:piece_justificative_0) {"./spec/support/files/entreprise.json", 'application/json') } it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 0 } context 'when upload two PJ' do before do subject dossier.reload end it { expect(dossier.pieces_justificatives.size).to eq 1 } it { expect(flash[:alert]).to be_present } it { redirect_to recapitulatif_path } end end end end