describe APIController, type: :controller do describe 'valid_token_for_procedure?' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) } let(:admin) { procedure.administrateurs.first } subject { !!controller.send(:find_administrateur_for_token, procedure) } context 'when the admin has not any token' do context 'and the token is not given' do it { be false } end end context 'when the admin has a token' do let!(:token) { APIToken.generate(admin)[1] } context 'and the token is given by params' do before { controller.params[:token] = token } it { be true } end context 'and the token is given by header' do before do valid_headers = { 'Authorization' => "Bearer token=#{token}" } request.headers.merge!(valid_headers) end it { be true } end context 'and the token is not given' do it { be false } end end end end