# frozen_string_literal: true describe ColumnsConcern do let(:procedure_id) { procedure.id } describe '#find_column' do let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :linked_drop_down_list, libelle: 'linked' }] } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:) } let(:notifications_column) { procedure.notifications_column } it do label = notifications_column.label expect(procedure.find_column(label:)).to eq(notifications_column) h_id = notifications_column.h_id expect(procedure.find_column(h_id:)).to eq(notifications_column) unknwon = 'unknown' expect { procedure.find_column(h_id: unknwon) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) value_column = procedure.find_column(label: 'linked') procedure_id = procedure.id linked_tdc = procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ .find { _1.type_champ == 'linked_drop_down_list' } column_id = "type_de_champ/#{linked_tdc.stable_id}->value" h_id = { procedure_id:, column_id: } expect(procedure.find_column(h_id:)).to eq(value_column) end end describe "#columns" do subject { procedure.columns } context 'when the procedure can have a SIRET number' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:, types_de_champ_private:) } let(:tdc_1) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public[0] } let(:tdc_2) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public[1] } let(:tdc_private_1) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_private[0] } let(:tdc_private_2) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_private[1] } let(:expected) { [ { label: 'Dossier ID', table: 'self', column: 'id', displayable: true, type: :number, filterable: true }, { label: 'notifications', table: 'notifications', column: 'notifications', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: false }, { label: 'Date de création', table: 'self', column: 'created_at', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: 'Mis à jour le', table: 'self', column: 'updated_at', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: 'Date de dépôt', table: 'self', column: 'depose_at', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: 'En construction le', table: 'self', column: 'en_construction_at', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: 'En instruction le', table: 'self', column: 'en_instruction_at', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: 'Terminé le', table: 'self', column: 'processed_at', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: "Dernier évènement depuis", table: "self", column: "updated_since", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: "Déposé depuis", table: "self", column: "depose_since", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: "En construction depuis", table: "self", column: "en_construction_since", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: "En instruction depuis", table: "self", column: "en_instruction_since", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: "Traité depuis", table: "self", column: "processed_since", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: "Statut", table: "self", column: "state", displayable: false, type: :enum, filterable: true }, { label: "Archivé", table: "self", column: "archived", displayable: false, type: :text, filterable: false }, { label: "Motivation de la décision", table: "self", column: "motivation", displayable: false, type: :text, filterable: false }, { label: "Date de dernière modification (usager)", table: "self", column: "last_champ_updated_at", displayable: false, type: :text, filterable: false }, { label: 'Demandeur', table: 'user', column: 'email', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Email instructeur', table: 'followers_instructeurs', column: 'email', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Groupe instructeur', table: 'groupe_instructeur', column: 'id', displayable: true, type: :enum, filterable: true }, { label: 'Avis oui/non', table: 'avis', column: 'question_answer', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: false }, { label: 'France connecté ?', table: 'self', column: 'user_from_france_connect?', displayable: false, type: :text, filterable: false }, { label: "Labels", table: "dossier_labels", column: "label_id", displayable: true, filterable: true }, { label: 'SIREN', table: 'etablissement', column: 'entreprise_siren', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Forme juridique', table: 'etablissement', column: 'entreprise_forme_juridique', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Nom commercial', table: 'etablissement', column: 'entreprise_nom_commercial', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Raison sociale', table: 'etablissement', column: 'entreprise_raison_sociale', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'SIRET siège social', table: 'etablissement', column: 'entreprise_siret_siege_social', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Date de création', table: 'etablissement', column: 'entreprise_date_creation', displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true }, { label: 'SIRET', table: 'etablissement', column: 'siret', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Libellé NAF', table: 'etablissement', column: 'libelle_naf', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: 'Code postal', table: 'etablissement', column: 'code_postal', displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: tdc_1.libelle, table: 'type_de_champ', column: tdc_1.stable_id.to_s, displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: tdc_2.libelle, table: 'type_de_champ', column: tdc_2.stable_id.to_s, displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: tdc_private_1.libelle, table: 'type_de_champ', column: tdc_private_1.stable_id.to_s, displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true }, { label: tdc_private_2.libelle, table: 'type_de_champ', column: tdc_private_2.stable_id.to_s, displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true } ].map { Column.new(**_1.merge(procedure_id:)) } } context 'with explication/header_sections' do let(:types_de_champ_public) { Array.new(4) { { type: :text } } } let(:types_de_champ_private) { Array.new(4) { { type: :text } } } before do procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public[2].update_attribute(:type_champ, TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:header_section)) procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public[3].update_attribute(:type_champ, TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:explication)) procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_private[2].update_attribute(:type_champ, TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:header_section)) procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_private[3].update_attribute(:type_champ, TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:explication)) end it { expected.each do |expected| expect(subject).to include(expected) end } end context 'with rna' do let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :rna, libelle: 'rna' }] } let(:types_de_champ_private) { [] } it { expect(subject.map(&:label)).to include('rna – commune') } end context 'with linked drop down list' do let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :linked_drop_down_list, libelle: 'linked' }] } let(:types_de_champ_private) { [] } it { expect(subject.map(&:label)).to include('linked (Primaire)') expect(subject.map(&:label)).to include('linked (Secondaire)') } end end context 'when the procedure is for individuals' do let(:name_field) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Prénom", table: "individual", column: "prenom", displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true) } let(:surname_field) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Nom", table: "individual", column: "nom", displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true) } let(:gender_field) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Civilité", table: "individual", column: "gender", displayable: true, type: :text, filterable: true) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :for_individual) } it { is_expected.to include(name_field, surname_field, gender_field) } end context 'when the procedure is sva' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :sva) } let(:decision_on) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Date décision SVA", table: "self", column: "sva_svr_decision_on", displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true) } let(:decision_before_field) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Date décision SVA avant", table: "self", column: "sva_svr_decision_before", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true) } it { is_expected.to include(decision_on, decision_before_field) } end context 'when the procedure is svr' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :svr) } let(:decision_on) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Date décision SVR", table: "self", column: "sva_svr_decision_on", displayable: true, type: :date, filterable: true) } let(:decision_before_field) { Column.new(procedure_id:, label: "Date décision SVR avant", table: "self", column: "sva_svr_decision_before", displayable: false, type: :date, filterable: true) } it { is_expected.to include(decision_on, decision_before_field) } end end describe 'export' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :published, types_de_champ_public:, for_individual:) } let(:for_individual) { true } let(:types_de_champ_public) do [ { type: :text, libelle: "Ca va ?", mandatory: true, stable_id: 1 }, { type: :communes, libelle: "Commune", mandatory: true, stable_id: 17 }, { type: :siret, libelle: 'siret', stable_id: 20 }, { type: :repetition, mandatory: true, stable_id: 7, libelle: "Champ répétable", children: [{ type: 'text', libelle: 'Qqchose à rajouter?', stable_id: 8 }] } ] end describe '#usager_columns_for_export' do context 'for individual procedure' do let(:for_individual) { true } it "returns all usager columns" do expected = [ procedure.find_column(label: "Nº dossier"), procedure.find_column(label: "Email"), procedure.find_column(label: "France connecté ?"), procedure.find_column(label: "Civilité"), procedure.find_column(label: "Nom"), procedure.find_column(label: "Prénom"), procedure.find_column(label: "Dépôt pour un tiers"), procedure.find_column(label: "Nom du mandataire"), procedure.find_column(label: "Prénom du mandataire") ] actuals = procedure.usager_columns_for_export.map(&:h_id) expected.each do |expected_col| expect(actuals).to include(expected_col.h_id) end end end context 'for entreprise procedure' do let(:for_individual) { false } it "returns all usager columns" do expected = [ procedure.find_column(label: "Nº dossier"), procedure.find_column(label: "Email"), procedure.find_column(label: "France connecté ?"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement SIRET"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement siège social"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement NAF"), procedure.find_column(label: "Libellé NAF"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement Adresse"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement numero voie"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement type voie"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement nom voie"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement complément adresse"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement code postal"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement localité"), procedure.find_column(label: "Établissement code INSEE localité"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise SIREN"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise capital social"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise numero TVA intracommunautaire"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise forme juridique"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise forme juridique code"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise nom commercial"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise raison sociale"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise SIRET siège social"), procedure.find_column(label: "Entreprise code effectif entreprise") ] actuals = procedure.usager_columns_for_export expected.each do |expected_col| expect(actuals.map(&:h_id)).to include(expected_col.h_id) end expect(actuals.any? { _1.label == "Nom" }).to eq false end end context 'when procedure chorusable' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :filled_chorus, types_de_champ_public:) } it 'returns specific chorus columns' do allow_any_instance_of(Procedure).to receive(:chorusable?).and_return(true) expected = [ procedure.find_column(label: "Domaine Fonctionnel"), procedure.find_column(label: "Référentiel De Programmation"), procedure.find_column(label: "Centre De Coût") ] actuals = procedure.usager_columns_for_export.map(&:h_id) expected.each do |expected_col| expect(actuals).to include(expected_col.h_id) end end end end describe '#dossier_columns_for_export' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure_with_dossiers, :routee, :published, types_de_champ_public:, for_individual:) } it "returns all dossier columns" do expected = [ procedure.find_column(label: "Archivé"), procedure.find_column(label: "État du dossier"), procedure.find_column(label: "Date du dernier évènement"), procedure.find_column(label: "Date de dernière modification (usager)"), procedure.find_column(label: "Date de dépôt"), procedure.find_column(label: "Date de passage en instruction"), procedure.find_column(label: "Date de traitement"), procedure.find_column(label: "Motivation de la décision"), procedure.find_column(label: "Instructeurs"), procedure.find_column(label: "Groupe instructeur") ] actuals = procedure.dossier_columns_for_export.map(&:h_id) expected.each do |expected_col| expect(actuals).to include(expected_col.h_id) end end end end end