import { LngLatBounds } from 'mapbox-gl'; import { useEffect } from 'react'; export function getBounds(geometry) { const bbox = new LngLatBounds(); if (geometry.type === 'Point') { return [geometry.coordinates, geometry.coordinates]; } else if (geometry.type === 'LineString') { for (const coordinate of geometry.coordinates) { bbox.extend(coordinate); } } else { for (const coordinate of geometry.coordinates[0]) { bbox.extend(coordinate); } } return bbox; } export function fitBounds(map, feature) { if (map) { map.fitBounds(getBounds(feature.geometry), { padding: 100 }); } } export function findFeature(featureCollection, id) { return featureCollection.features.find( (feature) => === id ); } export function filterFeatureCollection(featureCollection, source) { return { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: featureCollection.features.filter( (feature) => === source ) }; } export function filterFeatureCollectionByGeometryType(featureCollection, type) { return { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: featureCollection.features.filter( (feature) => feature.geometry.type === type ) }; } export function noop() {} export function generateId() { return Math.random().toString(20).substr(2, 6); } export function useEvent(eventName, callback) { return useEffect(() => { addEventListener(eventName, callback); return () => removeEventListener(eventName, callback); }, [eventName, callback]); } export function getCenter(geometry, lngLat) { const bbox = new LngLatBounds(); switch (geometry.type) { case 'Point': return [...geometry.coordinates]; case 'LineString': return [lngLat.lng,]; default: for (const coordinate of geometry.coordinates[0]) { bbox.extend(coordinate); } return bbox.getCenter(); } }