class Conditions::ConditionsErrorsComponent < ApplicationComponent def initialize(conditions:, source_tdcs:) @conditions, @source_tdcs = conditions, source_tdcs end private def errors errors = @conditions .flat_map { |condition| condition.errors(@source_tdcs) } .uniq # if a tdc is not available (has been removed for example) # it causes a lot of errors (incompatible type for example) # only the root cause is displayed messages = if errors.include?({ type: :not_available }) [t('not_available', scope: '.errors')] else { |error| humanize(error) } end to_html_list(messages) end def to_html_list(messages) messages .map { |message| } .then { |lis| tag.ul(lis.reduce(&:+)) } end def humanize(error) case error in { type: :not_available } in { type: :incompatible, stable_id: nil } t('not_available', scope: '.errors') in { type: :unmanaged, stable_id: stable_id } targeted_champ = @source_tdcs.find { |tdc| tdc.stable_id == stable_id } t('unmanaged', scope: '.errors', libelle: targeted_champ.libelle, type_champ: t(targeted_champ.type_champ, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.type_de_champ.type_champs')&.downcase) in { type: :incompatible, stable_id: stable_id, right: right, operator_name: operator_name } targeted_champ = @source_tdcs.find { |tdc| tdc.stable_id == stable_id } t('incompatible', scope: '.errors', libelle: targeted_champ.libelle, type_champ: t(targeted_champ.type_champ, scope: 'activerecord.attributes.type_de_champ.type_champs')&.downcase, operator: t(operator_name, scope: 'logic.operators').downcase, right: right.to_s.downcase) in { type: :required_number, operator_name: operator_name } t('required_number', scope: '.errors', operator: t(operator_name, scope: 'logic.operators')) in { type: :not_included, stable_id: stable_id, right: right } targeted_champ = @source_tdcs.find { |tdc| tdc.stable_id == stable_id } t('not_included', scope: '.errors', libelle: targeted_champ.libelle, right: right.to_s.downcase) in { type: :required_list } t('required_list', scope: '.errors') in { type: :required_include, operator_name: "Logic::Eq" } t("required_include.eq", scope: '.errors') in { type: :required_include, operator_name: "Logic::NotEq" } t("required_include.not_eq", scope: '.errors') else nil end end def render? @conditions .filter { |condition| condition.errors(@source_tdcs).present? } .present? end end