en: layouts: mailers: service_footer: do_not_reply: Please do not reply to this email. contact_admin: To contact your administration, go directly to the file_messagerie: file mailbox procedure_management: "This procedure is managed by:" ask_question: "Ask a question about your file:" email_sent_to: "This email has been sent to :" by_messagerie: By messaging by_email: "By email :" by_phone: "By phone :" schedule: "Schedule :" signature: team: "The team" for_tiers: good_morning: Good morning, first_part: We inform you that file no. %{dossier_id}, completed on your behalf by %{mandataire_first_name} %{mandataire_last_name}, on the procedure second_part: To find out more, please contact en_construction: has been submited %{processed_at}. en_instruction: has been received and taken care of on %{processed_at}. The administration is reviewing your file. accepte: has been accepted on %{processed_at}. refuse: has been refused on %{processed_at}. sans_suite: has been closed without continuation on %{processed_at}.