class Admin::AccompagnateursController < AdminController include SmartListing::Helper::ControllerExtensions helper SmartListing::Helper before_action :retrieve_procedure ASSIGN = 'assign' NOT_ASSIGN = 'not_assign' def show assign_scope = @procedure.gestionnaires # FIXME: remove this comment (no code to remove) when # # is fixed. # # No need to permit parameters for smart_listing, because # there are no sortable columns # # END OF FIXME @accompagnateurs_assign = smart_listing_create :accompagnateurs_assign, assign_scope, partial: "admin/accompagnateurs/list_assign", array: true not_assign_scope = current_administrateur.gestionnaires.where.not(id: assign_scope.ids) not_assign_scope = not_assign_scope.where("email LIKE ?", "%#{params[:filter]}%") if params[:filter] # FIXME: remove this comment (no code to remove) when # # is fixed. # # No need to permit parameters for smart_listing, because # there are no sortable columns # # END OF FIXME @accompagnateurs_not_assign = smart_listing_create :accompagnateurs_not_assign, not_assign_scope, partial: "admin/accompagnateurs/list_not_assign", array: true @gestionnaire ||= end def update gestionnaire = Gestionnaire.find(params[:accompagnateur_id]) procedure = Procedure.find(params[:procedure_id]) to = params[:to] case to when ASSIGN if gestionnaire.assign_to_procedure(procedure) flash.notice = "L'accompagnateur a bien été affecté" else flash.alert = "L'accompagnateur a déjà été affecté" end when NOT_ASSIGN if gestionnaire.remove_from_procedure(procedure) flash.notice = "L'accompagnateur a bien été désaffecté" else flash.alert = "L'accompagnateur a déjà été désaffecté" end end redirect_to admin_procedure_accompagnateurs_path, procedure_id: params[:procedure_id] end end