en: shared: dossiers: editable_champs: cnaf: numero_allocataire_label: CAF benefit number numero_allocataire_notice: It is usually composed of 7 digits. code_postal_label: postal code code_postal_notice: It is usually composed of 5 digits. dgfip: numero_fiscal_label: Tax number numero_fiscal_notice: It is usually composed of 13 to 14 characters. reference_avis_label: Tax notice reference reference_avis_notice: It is usually composed of 13 to 14 characters. email: placeholder: "camilya.martin@laposte.net" iban: placeholder: "FR76 3000 6000 0012 3456 7890 189" mesri: ine_label: INE ine_notice: Student National Number. It is usually composed of alphanumeric characters. phone: placeholder: "0612345678" pole_emploi: identifiant_label: Identifier identifiant_notice: It is usually composed of alphanumeric characters. siret: placeholder: "50000123456789" header: expires_at: brouillon: "Expires on %{date} (%{duree_conservation_totale} months after this file was created)" en_construction: "Expires on %{date} (%{duree_conservation_totale} months after this file was last modified)" en_instruction: "This file is being instructed, the administration will answer as soon as possible" accepte: "Expires on %{date} (%{duree_conservation_totale} months after this file was accepted)" refuse: "Expires on %{date} (%{duree_conservation_totale} months after this file was rejected)" sans_suite: "Expires on %{date} (%{duree_conservation_totale} months after this file was closed)" champs: cnaf: show: not_filled: not filled fetching_data: "Fetching data for recipient No. %{numero_allocataire} with postal code %{code_postal}." data_fetched: "Data concerning %{sources} linked to the account Nº %{numero_allocataire} with the postal code %{code_postal} has been received from the CAF." data_fetched_title: "Data received from la Caisse nationale d’allocations familiales" dgfip: show: not_filled: not filled fetching_data: "Fetching data for declarant No. %{numero_fiscal} with tax notice reference %{reference_avis}." data_fetched: "Data concerning %{sources} linked to the declarant Nº %{numero_fiscal} with tax notice reference %{reference_avis} has been received from the DGFiP." data_fetched_title: "Data received from la Direction générale des Finances publiques" pole_emploi: show: not_filled: not filled fetching_data: "Fetching data for identifier %{identifiant}." data_fetched: "Data concerning %{sources} linked to the identifier %{identifiant} has been received from Pôle emploi." data_fetched_title: "Data received from Pôle emploi" mesri: show: not_filled: not filled fetching_data: "Fetching data for INE %{ine}." data_fetched: "Data concerning %{sources} linked to the INE %{ine} has been received from the MESRI." data_fetched_title: "Data received from the MESRI"