module SystemHelpers include ActiveJob::TestHelper def login_admin user = create :user login_as user, scope: :user user end def login_instructeur instructeur = create(:instructeur) login_as instructeur, scope: :instructeur end def sign_in_with(email, password, sign_in_by_link = false) fill_in :user_email, with: email fill_in :user_password, with: password if sign_in_by_link User.find_by(email: email)&.instructeur&.update!(bypass_email_login_token: false) end perform_enqueued_jobs do click_on 'Se connecter' end if sign_in_by_link mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last message = mail.html_part.body.raw_source instructeur_id = message[/".+\/connexion-par-jeton\/(.+)\?jeton=(.*)"/, 1] jeton = message[/".+\/connexion-par-jeton\/(.+)\?jeton=(.*)"/, 2] visit sign_in_by_link_path(instructeur_id, jeton: jeton) end end def sign_up_with(email, password = 'my-s3cure-p4ssword') fill_in :user_email, with: email fill_in :user_password, with: password perform_enqueued_jobs do click_button 'Créer un compte' end end def click_confirmation_link_for(email, in_another_browser: false) confirmation_email = open_email(email) confirmation_link = confirmation_email.body.match(/href="[^"]*(\/users\/confirmation[^"]*)"/)[1] if in_another_browser # Simulate the user opening the link in another browser, thus loosing the session cookie Capybara.reset_session! end visit confirmation_link end def click_procedure_sign_in_link_for(email) confirmation_email = open_email(email) procedure_sign_in_link = confirmation_email.body.match(/href="([^"]*\/commencer\/[^"]*)"/)[1] visit procedure_sign_in_link end def click_reset_password_link_for(email) reset_password_email = open_email(email) reset_password_url = reset_password_email.body.match(/http[s]?:\/\/[^\/]+(\/[^\s]+reset_password_token=[^\s"]+)/)[1] visit reset_password_url end # Add a new type de champ in the procedure editor def add_champ(options = {}) add_champs(**options) end # Add several new type de champ in the procedure editor def add_champs(count: 1, remove_flash_message: false) within '.buttons' do count.times { click_on 'Ajouter un champ' } end if remove_flash_message expect(page).to have_button('Ajouter un champ', disabled: false) expect(page).to have_content('Formulaire enregistré') execute_script("document.querySelector('#flash_message').remove();") end end def blur page.find('body').click end def pause $stderr.write 'Spec paused. Press enter to continue:' $stdin.gets end def wait_until Timeout.timeout(Capybara.default_max_wait_time) do sleep(0.1) until (value = yield) value end end def select_combobox(libelle, fill_with, value, check: true) fill_in libelle, with: fill_with selector = "li[data-option-value=\"#{value}\"]" find(selector).click if check check_selected_value(libelle, with: value) end end def check_selected_value(libelle, with:) field = find_hidden_field_for(libelle) value = field.value.starts_with?('[') ? JSON.parse(field.value) : field.value if value.is_a?(Array) if with.is_a?(Array) expect(value.sort).to eq(with.sort) else expect(value).to include(with) end else expect(value).to eq(with) end end def log_out click_button(title: 'Mon compte') click_on 'Se déconnecter' expect(page).to have_current_path(root_path) end # Keep the brower window open after a test success of failure, to # allow inspecting the page or the console. # # Usage: # 1. Disable the 'headless' mode in `spec_helper.rb` # 2. Call `leave_browser_open` at the beginning of your scenario def leave_browser_open Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service.class_eval do def stop STDOUT.puts "#{self.class}#stop is a no-op, because leave_browser_open is enabled" end end Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.class_eval do def quit STDOUT.puts "#{self.class}#quit is a no-op, because leave_browser_open is enabled" end end Capybara::Selenium::Driver.class_eval do def reset! STDOUT.puts "#{self.class}#reset! is a no-op, because leave_browser_open is enabled" end end end def find_hidden_field_for(libelle, name: 'value') find("#{form_group_id_for(libelle)} input[type=\"hidden\"][name$=\"[#{name}]\"]") end def form_group_id_for(libelle) "#champ-#{form_id_for(libelle).gsub('-input', '')}" end def form_id_for(libelle) find(:xpath, ".//label[contains(text()[normalize-space()], '#{libelle}')]")[:for] end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include SystemHelpers, type: :system end