# frozen_string_literal: true describe Users::SessionsController, type: :controller do let(:email) { 'unique@plop.com' } let(:password) { SECURE_PASSWORD } let(:loged_in_with_france_connect) { User.loged_in_with_france_connects.fetch(:particulier) } let!(:user) { create(:user, email: email, password: password, loged_in_with_france_connect: loged_in_with_france_connect) } before do @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user] end describe '#create' do let(:user) { create(:user, email: email, password: password, loged_in_with_france_connect: 'particulier') } let(:send_password) { password } let(:remember_me) { '0' } subject do post :create, params: { user: { email: email, password: send_password, remember_me: remember_me } } end context 'when the credentials are right' do it 'signs in' do expect { subject }.to change { user.reload.last_sign_in_at } expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) expect(controller.current_user).to eq(user) expect(user.reload.loged_in_with_france_connect).to be(nil) expect(user.reload.remember_created_at).to be_nil end context 'when remember_me is specified' do let(:remember_me) { '1' } it 'remembers' do subject expect(user.reload.remember_created_at).to be_present end end context 'when a previous path was registered' do let(:stored_path) { '/a_path' } before { controller.store_location_for(:user, stored_path) } it 'redirects to that previous path' do subject expect(response).to redirect_to(stored_path) end end context 'when the user is locked' do before { user.lock_access! } it 'redirects to new_path' do subject expect(response).to render_template(:new) expect(flash.alert).to eq("Adresse électronique ou mot de passe incorrect.") end end context 'when user has not yet a preferred domain' do before do allow(Current).to receive(:host).and_return(ENV.fetch("APP_HOST")) Flipper.enable(:switch_domain) end after do Flipper.disable(:switch_domain) end it 'update preferred domain' do subject expect(user.reload.preferred_domain_demarches_gouv_fr?).to be_truthy end end end context 'when the credentials are wrong' do let(:send_password) { 'wrong_password' } it 'fails to sign in with bad credentials' do subject expect(response).to render_template(:new) expect(controller.current_user).to be(nil) end end context 'when email domain is in mandatory list' do let(:email) { 'user@beta.gouv.fr' } it 'redirects to agent connect with force parameter and is not logged in' do expect(AgentConnectService).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true) subject expect(response).to redirect_to(agent_connect_path(force_agent_connect: true)) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq("La connexion des agents passe à présent systématiquement par AgentConnect") expect(controller.current_user).to be_nil end end end describe '#destroy' do let!(:user) { create(:user, email: email, password: password, loged_in_with_france_connect: loged_in_with_france_connect) } let!(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur, user: user, agent_connect_id_token:) } let(:agent_connect_id_token) { nil } before do stub_const("AGENT_CONNECT", { end_session_endpoint: 'http://agent-connect/logout' }) sign_in user delete :destroy end it 'user is sign out' do expect(subject.current_user).to be_nil end it 'loged_in_with_france_connect current_user attribut is nil' do user.reload expect(user.loged_in_with_france_connect.present?).to be_falsey end context 'when user is connect with france connect particulier' do let(:loged_in_with_france_connect) { User.loged_in_with_france_connects.fetch(:particulier) } it 'redirect to france connect logout page' do expect(response).to redirect_to(FRANCE_CONNECT[:particulier][:logout_endpoint]) end end context 'when user is not connect with france connect' do let(:loged_in_with_france_connect) { '' } it 'redirect to root page' do expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end context 'when user is connect with agent connect' do let(:loged_in_with_france_connect) { nil } let(:agent_connect_id_token) { 'qwerty' } it 'redirect to agent connect logout page' do expect(response.location).to include(agent_connect_id_token) expect(instructeur.reload.agent_connect_id_token).to be_nil end end end describe '#new' do subject { get :new } it { expect(subject.status).to eq 200 } context 'when a procedure location has been stored' do let(:procedure) { create :procedure, :published } before do controller.store_location_for(:user, commencer_path(path: procedure.path)) end it 'makes the saved procedure available' do expect(subject.status).to eq 200 expect(assigns(:procedure)).to eq procedure end end end describe '#sign_in_by_link' do context 'when the instructeur has non other account' do let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } let!(:good_jeton) { instructeur.create_trusted_device_token } let(:jeton) { good_jeton } let(:logged) { false } let(:valid_token) { true } before do if logged sign_in(instructeur.user) end allow(controller).to receive(:trust_device) allow(controller).to receive(:send_login_token_or_bufferize) allow_any_instance_of(TrustedDeviceToken).to receive(:token_valid?).and_return(valid_token) post :sign_in_by_link, params: { id: instructeur.id, jeton: jeton } end context 'when the instructeur is not logged in' do context 'when the token is valid' do it { is_expected.to redirect_to new_user_session_path } it { expect(controller.current_instructeur).to be_nil } it { expect(controller).to have_received(:trust_device) } end context 'when the token is invalid' do let(:valid_token) { false } it { is_expected.to redirect_to link_sent_path(email: instructeur.email) } it { expect(controller.current_instructeur).to be_nil } it { expect(controller).not_to have_received(:trust_device) } it { expect(controller).to have_received(:send_login_token_or_bufferize) } end context 'when the token does not exist' do let(:jeton) { 'I do not exist' } it { is_expected.to redirect_to root_path } it { expect(controller.current_instructeur).to be_nil } it { expect(controller).not_to have_received(:trust_device) } it { expect(controller).not_to have_received(:send_login_token_or_bufferize) } it { expect(flash.alert).to eq('Votre lien est invalide.') } end end context 'when the instructeur is logged in' do let(:logged) { true } context 'when the token is valid' do # redirect to root_path, then redirect to instructeur_procedures_path (see root_controller) it { is_expected.to redirect_to root_path } it { expect(controller.current_instructeur).to eq(instructeur) } it { expect(controller).to have_received(:trust_device) } it { expect(controller.current_instructeur.user.email_verified_at).not_to be_nil } end context 'when the token is invalid' do let(:valid_token) { false } it { is_expected.to redirect_to link_sent_path(email: instructeur.email) } it { expect(controller.current_instructeur).to eq(instructeur) } it { expect(controller).not_to have_received(:trust_device) } it { expect(controller).to have_received(:send_login_token_or_bufferize) } end end end end describe '#trust_device and #trusted_device?' do subject { controller.trusted_device? } context 'when the trusted cookie is not present' do it { is_expected.to be false } end context 'when the cookie is outdated' do before do emission_date = Time.zone.now - TrustedDeviceConcern::TRUSTED_DEVICE_PERIOD - 1.minute controller.trust_device(emission_date) end it { is_expected.to be false } end context 'when the cookie is ok' do before { controller.trust_device(Time.zone.now) } it { is_expected.to be true } end end describe '#link_sent' do render_views before { get :link_sent, params: { email: signed_email } } let(:signed_email) { controller.message_verifier.generate(link_email, purpose: :reset_link) } context 'when the email is legit' do let(:link_email) { 'a@a.com' } it { expect(response.body).to include(link_email) } end context 'when the email is evil' do [ 'Hello, I am an evil email', 'a@a%C2%A0evil%C2%A0text%C2%A0with%C2%A0spaces' ].each do |evil_attempt| let(:link_email) { evil_attempt } it { expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) } end end end describe '#reset_link_sent' do let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur, user: user) } before { sign_in(user) } subject { post :reset_link_sent } context 'when the instructeur is signed without trust_device_token' do it 'send InstructeurMailer.send_login_token' do expect(InstructeurMailer).to receive(:send_login_token).with(instructeur, anything).and_return(double(deliver_later: true)) expect { subject }.to change { instructeur.trusted_device_tokens.count }.by(1) end end context 'when the instructeur is signed with an young trust_device_token' do before { instructeur.create_trusted_device_token } it 'doesnot send InstructeurMailer.send_login_token' do expect(InstructeurMailer).not_to receive(:send_login_token) expect { subject }.to change { instructeur.trusted_device_tokens.count }.by(0) end end context 'when the instructeur is signed with an old trust_device_token' do let(:token) { instructeur.create_trusted_device_token } before do travel_to 15.minutes.from_now end it 'send InstructeurMailer.send_login_token' do expect(InstructeurMailer).to receive(:send_login_token).with(instructeur, anything).and_return(double(deliver_later: true)) expect { subject }.to change { instructeur.trusted_device_tokens.count }.by(1) end end end describe '#logout' do subject { get :logout } it 'redirects to root_path' do expect(subject).to redirect_to(root_path) end context 'when the cookie redirect_to_ac_login is present' do before { cookies.encrypted[AgentConnect::AgentController::REDIRECT_TO_AC_LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME] = true } it 'redirects to relogin_after_2fa_config' do expect(subject).to redirect_to(agent_connect_relogin_after_2fa_config_path) expect(cookies.encrypted[AgentConnect::AgentController::REDIRECT_TO_AC_LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME]).to be_nil end end end end