class Dossiers::ChampsRowsShowComponent < ApplicationComponent attr_reader :profile attr_reader :seen_at def initialize(champs:, profile:, seen_at:) @champs, @profile, @seen_at = champs, profile, seen_at end private def updated_at_after_deposer(champ) return if champ.dossier.depose_at.blank? return if champ.new_record? if champ.updated_at > champ.dossier.depose_at champ.updated_at end end def number_with_html_delimiter(num) # we are using the span delimiter that doesn't insert spaces when copying and pasting the number number_with_delimiter(num, delimiter: tag.span(class: 'numbers-delimiter')) end def blank_key(champ) key = ".blank_optional" key += "_attachment" if champ.type_de_champ.piece_justificative? key end def each_champ(&block) @champs.filter { _1.visible? && !_1.exclude_from_view? && !_1.header_section? }.each(&block) end end