class CarrierwaveActiveStorageMigrationService def ensure_openstack_copy_possible!(uploader) ensure_active_storage_openstack! ensure_carrierwave_openstack!(uploader) ensure_active_storage_and_carrierwave_credetials_match(uploader) end def ensure_active_storage_openstack! # If we manage to get the client, it means that ActiveStorage is on OpenStack openstack_client! end def openstack_client! @openstack_client ||= active_storage_openstack_client! end def active_storage_openstack_client! service = ActiveStorage::Blob.service if defined?(ActiveStorage::Service::DsProxyService) && service.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Service::DsProxyService) service = service.wrapped end if !defined?(ActiveStorage::Service::OpenStackService) || !service.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Service::OpenStackService) raise StandardError, 'ActiveStorage must be backed by OpenStack' end service.client end def ensure_carrierwave_openstack!(uploader) storage = fog_client!(uploader) if !defined?(Fog::OpenStack::Storage::Real) || !storage.is_a?(Fog::OpenStack::Storage::Real) raise StandardError, 'Carrierwave must be backed by OpenStack' end end def fog_client!(uploader) storage = if !defined?(CarrierWave::Storage::Fog) || !storage.is_a?(CarrierWave::Storage::Fog) raise StandardError, 'Carrierwave must be backed by a Fog provider' end storage.connection end # OpenStack Swift's COPY object command works across different buckets, but they still need # to be on the same object store. This method tries to ensure that Carrierwave and ActiveStorage # are indeed pointing to the same Swift store. def ensure_active_storage_and_carrierwave_credetials_match(uploader) auth_keys = [ :openstack_tenant, :openstack_api_key, :openstack_username, :openstack_region, :openstack_management_url ] active_storage_creds = openstack_client!.credentials.slice(*auth_keys) carrierwave_creds = fog_client!(uploader).credentials.slice(*auth_keys) if active_storage_creds != carrierwave_creds raise StandardError, "Active Storage and Carrierwave credentials must match" end end # If identify is true, force ActiveStorage to examine the beginning of the file # to determine its MIME type. This identification does not happen immediately, # but when the first attachment that references this blob is created. def make_blob(uploader, created_at, filename: nil, identify: false) content_type = uploader.content_type identified = content_type.present? && !identify ActiveStorage::Blob.create( filename: filename || uploader.filename, content_type: content_type, byte_size: uploader.size, checksum: checksum(uploader), created_at: created_at, metadata: { identified: identified, virus_scan_result: ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE } ) end def make_empty_blob(uploader, created_at, filename: nil) content_type = uploader.content_type || 'text/plain' blob = ActiveStorage::Blob.build_after_upload( io:'File not found when migrating from CarrierWave.'), filename: filename || uploader.filename, content_type: content_type || 'text/plain', metadata: { virus_scan_result: ActiveStorage::VirusScanner::SAFE } ) blob.created_at = created_at! blob end def checksum(uploader) hex_to_base64(uploader.file.send(:file).etag) end def hex_to_base64(hexdigest) [[hexdigest].pack("H*")].pack("m0") end def copy_from_carrierwave_to_active_storage!(source_name, blob) openstack_client!.copy_object( carrierwave_container_name, source_name, active_storage_container_name, blob.key ) fix_content_type(blob) end def carrierwave_container_name Rails.application.secrets.fog[:directory] end def active_storage_container_name ENV['FOG_ACTIVESTORAGE_DIRECTORY'] end def delete_from_active_storage!(blob) openstack_client!.delete_object( active_storage_container_name, blob.key ) end # Before calling this method, you must make sure the file has been uploaded for the blob. # Otherwise, this method might fail if it needs to read the beginning of the file to # update the blob’s MIME type. def make_attachment(model, attachment_name, blob) attachment = ActiveStorage::Attachment.create( name: attachment_name, record_type:, record_id:, blob: blob, created_at: model.updated_at.iso8601 ) # Making the attachment may have triggerred MIME type auto detection on the blob, # so we make sure to sync that potentially new MIME type to the object in OpenStack fix_content_type(blob) attachment end def fix_content_type(blob) # In OpenStack, ActiveStorage cannot inject the MIME type on the fly during direct # download. Instead, the MIME type needs to be stored statically on the file object # in OpenStack. This is what this call does. blob.service.change_content_type(blob.key, blob.content_type) end end