# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Attachment::GalleryItemComponent, type: :component do let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, types_de_champ_public:) } let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :piece_justificative }] } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, :en_construction, procedure:) } let(:filename) { attachment.blob.filename.to_s } let(:gallery_demande) { false } let(:seen_at) { nil } let(:now) { Time.zone.now } let(:component) { described_class.new(attachment: attachment, gallery_demande:, seen_at: seen_at) } subject { render_inline(component).to_html } context "when attachment is from a piece justificative champ" do let(:champ) { dossier.champs.first } let(:libelle) { champ.libelle } let(:attachment) { champ.piece_justificative_file.attachments.first } # Correspond au cas standard où le blob est créé avant le dépôt du dossier before { dossier.touch(:depose_at) } it "displays libelle, link, tag and renders title" do expect(subject).to have_text(libelle) expect(subject).not_to have_text('Pièce jointe au message') expect(subject).to have_link(filename) expect(subject).to have_text('Dossier usager') expect(component.title).to eq("#{libelle} -- #{filename}") end it "displays when gallery item has been added" do expect(subject).to have_text('Ajoutée le') expect(subject).not_to have_css('.highlighted') expect(subject).to have_text(component.helpers.try_format_datetime(attachment.record.created_at, format: :veryshort)) end context "when gallery item has been updated" do # un nouveau blob est créé après modification d'un champ pièce justificative before { attachment.blob.touch(:created_at) } it 'displays the right text' do expect(subject).to have_text('Modifiée le') end end context "when gallery item is in page Demande" do let(:gallery_demande) { true } it "does not display libelle" do expect(subject).not_to have_text(libelle) end end end context "when attachment is from a commentaire" do let(:commentaire) { create(:commentaire, :with_file, dossier: dossier) } let(:attachment) { commentaire.piece_jointe.first } context 'from an usager' do it "displays a generic libelle, link, tag and renders title" do expect(subject).to have_text('Pièce jointe au message') expect(subject).to have_link(filename) expect(subject).to have_text('Messagerie (usager)') expect(component.title).to eq("Pièce jointe au message -- #{filename}") end context "when instructeur has not seen it yet" do let(:seen_at) { now - 1.day } before do attachment.blob.update(created_at: now) end it 'displays datetime in the right style' do expect(subject).to have_css('.highlighted') end end context "when instructeur has already seen it" do let!(:seen_at) { now } before do freeze_time attachment.blob.touch(:created_at) end it 'displays datetime in the right style' do expect(subject).not_to have_css('.highlighted') end end end context 'from an instructeur' do before { commentaire.update!(instructeur:) } it "displays the right tag" do expect(subject).to have_text('Messagerie (instructeur)') end end end end