# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake, # for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake. require File.expand_path('config/application', __dir__) Rails.application.load_tasks task :lint do sh "bundle exec rubocop" sh "bundle exec haml-lint app/views/" sh "bundle exec scss-lint app/assets/stylesheets/" sh "bundle exec brakeman --no-pager" sh "yarn lint:js" end task :deploy do domains = %w( domains.each do |domain| sh "mina deploy domain=#{domain}" end end task :deploy_ha do domains = %w( domains.each do |domain| sh "mina deploy domain=#{domain}" end end task :deploy_old do domains = %w( domains.each do |domain| sh "mina deploy domain=#{domain}" end end task :deploy_test do domains = %w( branch = 'clamav' domains.each do |domain| sh "mina deploy domain=#{domain} branch=#{branch}" end end