# == Schema Information # # Table name: procedure_presentations # # id :integer not null, primary key # displayed_fields :jsonb not null # filters :jsonb not null # sort :jsonb not null # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # assign_to_id :integer # class ProcedurePresentation < ApplicationRecord EXTRA_SORT_COLUMNS = { 'notifications' => ['notifications'], 'self' => ['id', 'state'] } TABLE = 'table' COLUMN = 'column' SLASH = '/' TYPE_DE_CHAMP = 'type_de_champ' TYPE_DE_CHAMP_PRIVATE = 'type_de_champ_private' FILTERS_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH = 100 belongs_to :assign_to, optional: false delegate :procedure, to: :assign_to validate :check_allowed_displayed_fields validate :check_allowed_sort_column validate :check_allowed_sort_order validate :check_allowed_filter_columns validate :check_filters_max_length def fields fields = [ field_hash('Créé le', 'self', 'created_at'), field_hash('En construction le', 'self', 'en_construction_at'), field_hash('Déposé le', 'self', 'depose_at'), field_hash('Mis à jour le', 'self', 'updated_at'), field_hash('Demandeur', 'user', 'email'), field_hash('Email instructeur', 'followers_instructeurs', 'email'), field_hash('Groupe instructeur', 'groupe_instructeur', 'label') ] if procedure.for_individual fields.push( field_hash("Prénom", "individual", "prenom"), field_hash("Nom", "individual", "nom"), field_hash("Civilité", "individual", "gender") ) end if !procedure.for_individual fields.push( field_hash('SIREN', 'etablissement', 'entreprise_siren'), field_hash('Forme juridique', 'etablissement', 'entreprise_forme_juridique'), field_hash('Nom commercial', 'etablissement', 'entreprise_nom_commercial'), field_hash('Raison sociale', 'etablissement', 'entreprise_raison_sociale'), field_hash('SIRET siège social', 'etablissement', 'entreprise_siret_siege_social'), field_hash('Date de création', 'etablissement', 'entreprise_date_creation') ) fields.push( field_hash('SIRET', 'etablissement', 'siret'), field_hash('Libellé NAF', 'etablissement', 'libelle_naf'), field_hash('Code postal', 'etablissement', 'code_postal') ) end fields.concat procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation .pluck(:libelle, :private, :stable_id) .map { |(libelle, is_private, stable_id)| field_hash(libelle, is_private ? TYPE_DE_CHAMP_PRIVATE : TYPE_DE_CHAMP, stable_id.to_s) } fields end def displayed_fields_for_select [ fields.map { |field| [field['label'], field_id(field)] }, displayed_fields.map { |field| field_id(field) } ] end def sorted_ids(dossiers, count, instructeur) table, column, order = sort.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN, 'order') case table when 'notifications' dossiers_id_with_notification = dossiers.merge(instructeur.followed_dossiers).with_notifications.ids if order == 'desc' dossiers_id_with_notification + (dossiers.order('dossiers.updated_at desc').ids - dossiers_id_with_notification) else (dossiers.order('dossiers.updated_at asc').ids - dossiers_id_with_notification) + dossiers_id_with_notification end when TYPE_DE_CHAMP ids = dossiers .with_type_de_champ(column) .order("champs.value #{order}") .pluck(:id) if ids.size != count rest = dossiers.where.not(id: ids).order(id: order).pluck(:id) order == 'asc' ? ids + rest : rest + ids else ids end when TYPE_DE_CHAMP_PRIVATE ids = dossiers .with_type_de_champ_private(column) .order("champs.value #{order}") .pluck(:id) if ids.size != count rest = dossiers.where.not(id: ids).order(id: order).pluck(:id) order == 'asc' ? ids + rest : rest + ids else ids end when 'followers_instructeurs' assert_supported_column(table, column) # LEFT OUTER JOIN allows to keep dossiers without assigned instructeurs yet dossiers .includes(:followers_instructeurs) .joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN users instructeurs_users ON instructeurs_users.id = instructeurs.user_id') .order("instructeurs_users.email #{order}") .pluck(:id) .uniq when 'self', 'user', 'individual', 'etablissement', 'groupe_instructeur' (table == 'self' ? dossiers : dossiers.includes(table)) .order("#{self.class.sanitized_column(table, column)} #{order}") .pluck(:id) end end def filtered_ids(dossiers, statut) filters[statut].group_by { |filter| filter.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN) } .map do |(table, column), filters| values = filters.pluck('value') case table when 'self' dates = values .filter_map { |v| Time.zone.parse(v).beginning_of_day rescue nil } dossiers.filter_by_datetimes(column, dates) when TYPE_DE_CHAMP dossiers.with_type_de_champ(column) .filter_ilike(:champs, :value, values) when TYPE_DE_CHAMP_PRIVATE dossiers.with_type_de_champ_private(column) .filter_ilike(:champs_private, :value, values) when 'etablissement' if column == 'entreprise_date_creation' dates = values .filter_map { |v| v.to_date rescue nil } dossiers .includes(table) .where(table.pluralize => { column => dates }) else dossiers .includes(table) .filter_ilike(table, column, values) end when 'followers_instructeurs' assert_supported_column(table, column) dossiers .includes(:followers_instructeurs) .joins('INNER JOIN users instructeurs_users ON instructeurs_users.id = instructeurs.user_id') .filter_ilike('instructeurs_users', :email, values) when 'user', 'individual' dossiers .includes(table) .filter_ilike(table, column, values) when 'groupe_instructeur' dossiers .joins(:groupe_instructeur) .filter_ilike(table, column, values) end.pluck(:id) end.reduce(:&) end def human_value_for_filter(filter) case filter[TABLE] when TYPE_DE_CHAMP, TYPE_DE_CHAMP_PRIVATE find_type_de_champ(filter[COLUMN]).dynamic_type.filter_to_human(filter['value']) else filter['value'] end end def add_filter(statut, field, value) if value.present? table, column = field.split(SLASH) label = find_field(table, column)['label'] case table when TYPE_DE_CHAMP, TYPE_DE_CHAMP_PRIVATE value = find_type_de_champ(column).dynamic_type.human_to_filter(value) end updated_filters = filters.dup updated_filters[statut] << { 'label' => label, TABLE => table, COLUMN => column, 'value' => value } update!(filters: updated_filters) end end def remove_filter(statut, field, value) table, column = field.split(SLASH) updated_filters = filters.dup updated_filters[statut] = filters[statut].reject do |filter| filter.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN, 'value') == [table, column, value] end update!(filters: updated_filters) end def update_displayed_fields(values) if values.nil? values = [] end fields = values.map { |value| find_field(*value.split(SLASH)) } update!(displayed_fields: fields) if !values.include?(field_id(sort)) update!(sort: Procedure.default_sort) end end def update_sort(table, column) order = if sort.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN) == [table, column] sort['order'] == 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc' else 'asc' end update!(sort: { TABLE => table, COLUMN => column, 'order' => order }) end private def field_id(field) field.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN).join(SLASH) end def find_field(table, column) fields.find { |field| field.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN) == [table, column] } end def find_type_de_champ(column) TypeDeChamp.order(:revision_id).find_by(stable_id: column) end def check_allowed_displayed_fields displayed_fields.each do |field| check_allowed_field(:displayed_fields, field) end end def check_allowed_sort_column check_allowed_field(:sort, sort, EXTRA_SORT_COLUMNS) end def check_allowed_sort_order order = sort['order'] if !["asc", "desc"].include?(order) errors.add(:sort, "#{order} n’est pas une ordre permis") end end def check_allowed_filter_columns filters.each do |key, columns| return true if key == 'migrated' columns.each do |column| check_allowed_field(:filters, column) end end end def check_allowed_field(kind, field, extra_columns = {}) table, column = field.values_at(TABLE, COLUMN) if !valid_column?(table, column, extra_columns) errors.add(kind, "#{table}.#{column} n’est pas une colonne permise") end end def check_filters_max_length individual_filters = filters.values.flatten.filter { |f| f.is_a?(Hash) } individual_filters.each do |filter| if filter['value']&.length.to_i > FILTERS_VALUE_MAX_LENGTH errors.add(:filters, :too_long) end end end def field_hash(label, table, column) { 'label' => label, TABLE => table, COLUMN => column } end def valid_column?(table, column, extra_columns = {}) valid_columns_for_table(table).include?(column) || extra_columns[table]&.include?(column) end def valid_columns_for_table(table) @column_whitelist ||= fields .group_by { |field| field[TABLE] } .transform_values { |fields| Set.new(fields.pluck(COLUMN)) } @column_whitelist[table] || [] end def self.sanitized_column(association, column) table = if association == 'self' Dossier.table_name elsif (association_reflection = Dossier.reflect_on_association(association)) association_reflection.klass.table_name else # Allow filtering on a joined table alias (which doesn’t exist # in the ActiveRecord domain). association end [table, column] .map { |name| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name(name) } .join('.') end def assert_supported_column(table, column) if table == 'followers_instructeurs' && column != 'email' raise ArgumentError, 'Table `followers_instructeurs` only supports the `email` column.' end end end