# frozen_string_literal: true describe 'shared/_procedure_description', type: :view do let(:estimated_duration_visible) { true } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_service, estimated_duration_visible:) } subject { render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: procedure } } it 'renders the view' do subject expect(rendered).to have_selector('.procedure-logos') expect(rendered).to have_text(procedure.libelle) expect(rendered).to have_text(procedure.description) expect(rendered).to have_text('Temps de remplissage estimé') expect(rendered).not_to have_text('Quelles sont les pièces justificatives à fournir') expect(rendered).not_to have_text('Qu’est-ce que le cadre législatif « silence vaut accord » ?') end context 'procedure with estimated duration not visible' do let(:estimated_duration_visible) { false } it 'hides the estimated duration' do subject expect(rendered).not_to have_text('Temps de remplissage estimé') end end it 'does not show empty date limite' do subject expect(rendered).not_to have_text('Date limite') end context 'when the procedure has an auto_archive date' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_service, :with_auto_archive) } it 'shows the auto_archive_on' do subject expect(rendered).to have_text('Date limite') end end context 'when procedure has notice' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :with_notice) } before do allow(view).to receive(:administrateur_signed_in?).and_return(false) end it 'shows a link to the notice' do subject expect(rendered).to have_link("Télécharger le guide de la démarche") end end context 'when procedure has usual_traitement_time' do before do allow(procedure).to receive(:stats_usual_traitement_time).and_return([1.day, 1.day, 1.day]) end it 'shows a usual traitement text' do subject expect(rendered).to have_text("Quels sont les délais d’instruction pour cette démarche ?") expect(rendered).to have_text("Dans le meilleur des cas, le délai d’instruction est : 1 jour.") end end context 'when the procedure has pieces jointes' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :draft, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :titre_identite }, { type: :piece_justificative }, { type: :siret }]) } it 'shows the pieces jointes list for draft procedure' do subject expect(rendered).to have_text('Quelles sont les pièces justificatives à fournir') expect(rendered).to have_text('Libelle du champ') expect(rendered).to have_selector('.pieces_jointes ul li', count: 2) end it 'shows the pieces jointes list for published procedure' do procedure.publish! subject expect(rendered).to have_text('Quelles sont les pièces justificatives à fournir') expect(rendered).to have_text('Libelle du champ') expect(rendered).to have_selector('.pieces_jointes ul li', count: 2) end it 'shows the manual description pieces jointes list if admin filled one' do procedure.update!(description_pj: 'une description des pj manuelle') subject expect(rendered).to have_text('Quelles sont les pièces justificatives à fournir') expect(rendered).to have_text('une description des pj manuelle') end end context 'when the procedure is sva' do before { travel_to Time.zone.local(2023, 1, 1) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :published, :sva) } it 'shows an explanation text' do subject expect(rendered).to have_text('Cette démarche applique le « Silence Vaut Accord »') expect(rendered).to have_text('dans les 2 mois') expect(rendered).to have_text("2 mars 2023") end context 'when unit is weeks' do before { procedure.sva_svr["unit"] = "weeks" } it 'shows an human period' do subject expect(rendered).to have_text('dans les 2 semaines') expect(rendered).to have_text("16 janvier 2023") end end end context 'caching', caching: true do it "works" do expect(procedure).to receive(:public_wrapped_partionned_pjs).once 2.times { render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: } } end it 'cache_key depends of revision' do render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: } expect(rendered).not_to have_text('new pj') procedure.draft_revision.add_type_de_champ(type_champ: :piece_justificative, libelle: 'new pj') procedure.publish_revision! render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: } expect(rendered).to have_text('new pj') end context 'draft procedure' do let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :draft) } it 'respect revision changes on brouillon' do render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: } expect(rendered).not_to have_text('new pj') procedure.draft_revision.add_type_de_champ(type_champ: :piece_justificative, libelle: 'new pj') render partial: 'shared/procedure_description', locals: { procedure: } expect(rendered).to have_text('new pj') end end end end