class APIController < ApplicationController before_action :default_format_json before_action :authenticate_from_token before_action :ensure_authorized_network, if: -> { @api_token.present? } before_action :ensure_token_is_not_expired, if: -> { @api_token.present? } before_action do Current.browser = 'api' end private def default_format_json request.format = "json" if !request.params[:format] end def check_api_token if @api_token.nil? render json: {}, status: :unauthorized end end def authenticate_from_token @api_token = authenticate_with_http_token { |t, _o| APIToken.authenticate(t) } # legacy way of sending the token by url # not available in api v2 if @api_token.nil? @api_token = APIToken.authenticate(params[:token]) end if @api_token.present? @api_token.touch(:last_v1_authenticated_at) @api_token.store_new_ip(request.remote_ip) @current_user = @api_token.administrateur.user end end def ensure_authorized_network if @api_token.forbidden_network?(request.remote_ip) address = render json: { errors: ["request issued from a forbidden network. Add #{address.to_string}/#{address.prefix} to your allowed adresses in your /profil"] }, status: :forbidden end end def ensure_token_is_not_expired if @api_token.expired? render json: { errors: ['token expired'] }, status: :unauthorized end end end