module Users class DossiersController < UserController include DossierHelper layout 'procedure_context', only: [:identite, :update_identite, :siret, :update_siret] ACTIONS_ALLOWED_TO_ANY_USER = [:index, :recherche, :new] ACTIONS_ALLOWED_TO_OWNER_OR_INVITE = [:show, :demande, :messagerie, :brouillon, :update_brouillon, :modifier, :update, :create_commentaire] before_action :ensure_ownership!, except: ACTIONS_ALLOWED_TO_ANY_USER + ACTIONS_ALLOWED_TO_OWNER_OR_INVITE before_action :ensure_ownership_or_invitation!, only: ACTIONS_ALLOWED_TO_OWNER_OR_INVITE before_action :ensure_dossier_can_be_updated, only: [:update_identite, :update_brouillon, :modifier, :update] before_action :forbid_invite_submission!, only: [:update_brouillon] before_action :forbid_closed_submission!, only: [:update_brouillon] before_action :show_demarche_en_test_banner before_action :store_user_location!, only: :new def index @user_dossiers = current_user.dossiers.includes(:procedure) @dossiers_invites = current_user.dossiers_invites.includes(:procedure) @current_tab = current_tab(@user_dossiers.count, @dossiers_invites.count) @dossiers = case @current_tab when 'mes-dossiers' @user_dossiers when 'dossiers-invites' @dossiers_invites end end def show if dossier.brouillon? redirect_to brouillon_dossier_path(dossier) return end @dossier = dossier respond_to do |format| format.pdf do @include_infos_administration = false render(file: 'dossiers/show', formats: [:pdf]) end format.all end end def demande @dossier = dossier end def messagerie @dossier = dossier @commentaire = end def attestation if dossier.attestation&.pdf&.attached? redirect_to dossier.attestation.pdf.service_url else flash.notice = "L'attestation n'est plus disponible sur ce dossier." redirect_to dossier_path(dossier) end end def identite @dossier = dossier @user = current_user end def update_identite @dossier = dossier if @dossier.individual.update(individual_params) @dossier.update!(autorisation_donnees: true) flash.notice = "Identité enregistrée" redirect_to brouillon_dossier_path(@dossier) else = @dossier.individual.errors.full_messages render :identite end end def siret @dossier = dossier end def update_siret @dossier = dossier # We use the user as the holder model object for the siret value # (so that we can restore it on the form in case of error). # # This is the only remaining use of User#siret: it could be refactored away. # However some existing users have a siret but no associated etablissement, # so we would need to analyze the legacy data and decide what to do with it. current_user.siret = siret_params[:siret] siret_model = siret_params[:siret]) if !siret_model.valid? return render_siret_error(siret_model.errors.full_messages) end sanitized_siret = siret_model.siret begin etablissement_attributes = ApiEntrepriseService.get_etablissement_params_for_siret(sanitized_siret, rescue ApiEntreprise::API::RequestFailed return render_siret_error(t('errors.messages.siret_network_error')) end if etablissement_attributes.blank? return render_siret_error(t('errors.messages.siret_unknown')) end etablissement = @dossier.build_etablissement(etablissement_attributes)! current_user.update!(siret: sanitized_siret) @dossier.update!(autorisation_donnees: true) redirect_to etablissement_dossier_path end def etablissement @dossier = dossier # Redirect if the user attempts to access the page URL directly if !@dossier.etablissement flash.alert = 'Aucun établissement n’est associé à ce dossier' return redirect_to siret_dossier_path(@dossier) end end def brouillon @dossier = dossier_with_champs # TODO: remove when the champs are unifed if !@dossier.autorisation_donnees if dossier.procedure.for_individual redirect_to identite_dossier_path(@dossier) else redirect_to siret_dossier_path(@dossier) end end end # FIXME: # - delegate draft save logic to champ ? def update_brouillon @dossier = dossier_with_champs errors = update_dossier_and_compute_errors if passage_en_construction? && errors.blank? @dossier.en_construction! NotificationMailer.send_initiated_notification(@dossier).deliver_later return redirect_to(merci_dossier_path(@dossier)) elsif errors.present? = errors else = 'Votre brouillon a bien été sauvegardé.' end respond_to do |format| format.html { render :brouillon } format.json { render json: {}, status: :ok } end end def modifier @dossier = dossier_with_champs end def update @dossier = dossier_with_champs errors = update_dossier_and_compute_errors if errors.present? = errors render :modifier else redirect_to demande_dossier_path(@dossier) end end def merci @dossier = current_user.dossiers.includes(:procedure).find(params[:id]) end def create_commentaire @commentaire =, dossier, commentaire_params) if flash.notice = "Votre message a bien été envoyé à l’instructeur en charge de votre dossier." redirect_to messagerie_dossier_path(dossier) else = @commentaire.errors.full_messages render :messagerie end end def ask_deletion dossier = current_user.dossiers.includes(:user, procedure: :administrateurs).find(params[:id]) if dossier.can_be_deleted_by_user? dossier.delete_and_keep_track(current_user) flash.notice = 'Votre dossier a bien été supprimé.' redirect_to dossiers_path else flash.notice = "L'instruction de votre dossier a commencé, il n'est plus possible de supprimer votre dossier. Si vous souhaitez annuler l'instruction contactez votre administration par la messagerie de votre dossier." redirect_to dossier_path(dossier) end end def recherche @dossier_id = params[:dossier_id] dossier = current_user.dossiers.find_by(id: @dossier_id) if dossier redirect_to url_for_dossier(dossier) else flash.alert = "Vous n’avez pas de dossier avec le nº #{@dossier_id}." redirect_to dossiers_path end end def new erase_user_location! begin if params[:brouillon] procedure = Procedure.brouillon.find(params[:procedure_id]) else procedure = Procedure.publiees.find(params[:procedure_id]) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound flash.alert = t('errors.messages.procedure_not_found') return redirect_to url_for dossiers_path end dossier = groupe_instructeur: procedure.defaut_groupe_instructeur, user: current_user, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:brouillon) ) dossier.build_default_individual! if dossier.procedure.for_individual redirect_to identite_dossier_path(dossier) else redirect_to siret_dossier_path(id: end end def dossier_for_help dossier_id = params[:id] || params[:dossier_id] @dossier || (dossier_id.present? && Dossier.find_by(id: dossier_id.to_i)) end private def store_user_location! store_location_for(:user, request.fullpath) end def erase_user_location! clear_stored_location_for(:user) end def show_demarche_en_test_banner if @dossier.present? && @dossier.procedure.brouillon? = "Ce dossier est déposé sur une démarche en test. Toute modification de la démarche par l'administrateur (ajout d'un champ, publication de la démarche...) entrainera sa suppression." end end def ensure_dossier_can_be_updated if !dossier.can_be_updated_by_user? flash.alert = 'Votre dossier ne peut plus être modifié' redirect_to dossiers_path end end def page [params[:page].to_i, 1].max end def current_tab(mes_dossiers_count, dossiers_invites_count) if dossiers_invites_count == 0 'mes-dossiers' elsif mes_dossiers_count == 0 'dossiers-invites' else params[:current_tab].presence || 'mes-dossiers' end end # FIXME: require(:dossier) when all the champs are united def champs_params params.permit(dossier: { champs_attributes: [ :id, :value, :primary_value, :secondary_value, :piece_justificative_file, value: [], champs_attributes: [:id, :_destroy, :value, :primary_value, :secondary_value, :piece_justificative_file, value: []] ] }) end def dossier @dossier ||= Dossier.find(params[:id] || params[:dossier_id]) end def dossier_with_champs Dossier.with_champs.find(params[:id]) end def change_groupe_instructeur? params[:dossier][:groupe_instructeur_id].present? && @dossier.groupe_instructeur_id != params[:dossier][:groupe_instructeur_id].to_i end def update_dossier_and_compute_errors errors = [] if champs_params[:dossier] if !@dossier.update(champs_params[:dossier]) errors += @dossier.errors.full_messages elsif change_groupe_instructeur? groupe_instructeur = @dossier.procedure.groupe_instructeurs.find(params[:dossier][:groupe_instructeur_id]) @dossier.assign_to_groupe_instructeur(groupe_instructeur) end end if !save_draft? errors += @dossier.check_mandatory_champs end errors end def ensure_ownership! if !current_user.owns?(dossier) forbidden! end end def ensure_ownership_or_invitation! if !current_user.owns_or_invite?(dossier) forbidden! end end def forbid_invite_submission! if passage_en_construction? && !current_user.owns?(dossier) forbidden! end end def forbid_closed_submission! if passage_en_construction? && !dossier.can_transition_to_en_construction? forbidden! end end def forbidden! flash[:alert] = "Vous n'avez pas accès à ce dossier" redirect_to root_path end def render_siret_error(error_message) flash.alert = error_message render :siret end def individual_params params.require(:individual).permit(:gender, :nom, :prenom, :birthdate) end def siret_params params.require(:user).permit(:siret) end def commentaire_params params.require(:commentaire).permit(:body, :piece_jointe) end def passage_en_construction? dossier.brouillon? && !save_draft? end def save_draft? dossier.brouillon? && !params[:submit_draft] end end end