describe NewAdministrateur::JetonParticulierController, type: :controller do let(:admin) { create(:administrateur) } let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, administrateur: admin) } before do stub_const("API_PARTICULIER_URL", "") sign_in(admin.user) end describe "GET #api_particulier" do let(:procedure) { create :procedure, :with_service, administrateur: admin } render_views subject { get :api_particulier, params: { procedure_id: } } it { have_http_status(:success) } it { expect(subject.body).to have_content('Jeton API particulier') } end describe "GET #show" do subject { get :show, params: { procedure_id: } } it { have_http_status(:success) } end describe "PATCH #update" do let(:params) { { procedure_id:, procedure: { api_particulier_token: token } } } subject { patch :update, params: params } context "when jeton has a valid shape" do let(:token) { "d7e9c9f4c3ca00caadde31f50fd4521a" } before do VCR.use_cassette(cassette) do subject end end context "and the api response is a success" do let(:cassette) { "api_particulier/success/introspect" } it { expect(flash.alert).to be_nil } it { expect(flash.notice).to eq("Le jeton a bien été mis à jour") } it { expect(procedure.reload.api_particulier_token).to eql(token) } it { expect(procedure.reload.api_particulier_scopes).to contain_exactly("dgfip_avis_imposition", "dgfip_adresse", "cnaf_allocataires", "cnaf_enfants", "cnaf_adresse", "cnaf_quotient_familial", "mesri_statut_etudiant") } end context "and the api response is a success but with an empty scopes" do let(:cassette) { "api_particulier/success/introspect_empty_scopes" } it { expect(flash.alert).to include("le jeton n'a pas acces aux données") } it { expect(flash.notice).to be_nil } it { expect(procedure.reload.api_particulier_token).not_to eql(token) } end context "and the api response is not unauthorized" do let(:cassette) { "api_particulier/unauthorized/introspect" } it { expect(flash.alert).to include("Mise à jour impossible : le jeton n'a pas été trouvé ou n'est pas actif") } it { expect(flash.notice).to be_nil } it { expect(procedure.reload.api_particulier_token).not_to eql(token) } end end context "when jeton is invalid and no network call is made" do let(:token) { "jet0n 1nvalide" } before { subject } it { expect(flash.alert.first).to include("pas le bon format") } it { expect(flash.notice).to be_nil } it { expect(procedure.reload.api_particulier_token).not_to eql(token) } end end end