en: activerecord: models: dossier: one: "File" other: "Files" attributes: dossier: id: "File number" state: "State" pending_correction: Request correction mandataire_first_name: First name mandataire_last_name: Last name for_tiers: false: For yourself true: "For someone else : a family member, a relative, a professional, someone you represent." dossier/state: &state brouillon: "Draft" en_construction: "In progress" en_instruction: "Processing" accepte: "Accepted" refuse: "Refused" sans_suite: "No further action" a_corriger: To be corrected pending_correction: for_instructeur: "pending" for_user: "to be corrected" resolved: corrected traitement: state: "State" traitement/state: <<: *state errors: models: dossier: attributes: pending_correction: blank: Check to confirm that you have made the requested corrections.