import { on, show, hide } from '@utils'; import { suggest } from 'email-butler'; const user_new_email_selector = '#new_user > #user_email'; const suspectSuggestionsBox = document.querySelector('.suspect-email'); const emailSuggestionSpan = document.querySelector( '.suspect-email .question .suggested-email' ); on(user_new_email_selector, 'blur', () => { // When the user leaves the email input during account creation, we check if this account looks correct. // If not (e.g if its "bidou@gmail.coo" or "john@yahoo.rf") we attempt to suggest a fix for the invalid email. const suggestion = suggest( document.querySelector(user_new_email_selector).value ); if (suggestion.full) { emailSuggestionSpan.innerHTML = suggestion.full; show(suspectSuggestionsBox); } }); export function acceptEmailSuggestion() { document.querySelector(user_new_email_selector).value = emailSuggestionSpan.innerHTML; hide(suspectSuggestionsBox); } export function discardEmailSuggestionBox() { hide(suspectSuggestionsBox); }