# frozen_string_literal: true class DossierProjectionService class DossierProjection < Struct.new(:dossier_id, :state, :archived, :hidden_by_user_at, :hidden_by_administration_at, :hidden_by_reason, :for_tiers, :prenom, :nom, :batch_operation_id, :sva_svr_decision_on, :corrections, :columns) do def pending_correction? return false if corrections.blank? corrections.any? { _1[:resolved_at].nil? } end def resolved_corrections? return false if corrections.blank? corrections.all? { _1[:resolved_at].present? } end end end def self.for_tiers_translation(array) for_tiers, email, first_name, last_name = array if for_tiers == true "#{email} #{I18n.t('views.instructeurs.dossiers.acts_on_behalf')} #{first_name} #{last_name}" else email end end TABLE = 'table' COLUMN = 'column' STABLE_ID = 'stable_id' # Returns [DossierProjection(dossier, columns)] ordered by dossiers_ids # and the columns orderd by fields. # # It tries to be fast by using `pluck` (or at least `select`) # to avoid deserializing entire records. # # It stores its intermediary queries results in an hash in the corresponding field. # ex: field_email[:id_value_h] = { dossier_id_1: email_1, dossier_id_3: email_3 } # # Those hashes are needed because: # - the order of the intermediary query results are unknown # - some values can be missing (if a revision added or removed them) def self.project(dossiers_ids, columns) fields = columns.map do |c| if c.is_a?(Columns::ChampColumn) { TABLE => c.table, STABLE_ID => c.stable_id, original_column: c } else { TABLE => c.table, COLUMN => c.column } end end champ_value = champ_value_formatter(dossiers_ids, fields) state_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'state' } archived_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'archived' } batch_operation_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'batch_operation_id' } hidden_by_user_at_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'hidden_by_user_at' } hidden_by_administration_at_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'hidden_by_administration_at' } hidden_by_reason_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'hidden_by_reason' } for_tiers_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'for_tiers' } individual_first_name = { TABLE => 'individual', COLUMN => 'prenom' } individual_last_name = { TABLE => 'individual', COLUMN => 'nom' } sva_svr_decision_on_field = { TABLE => 'self', COLUMN => 'sva_svr_decision_on' } dossier_corrections = { TABLE => 'dossier_corrections', COLUMN => 'resolved_at' } ([state_field, archived_field, sva_svr_decision_on_field, hidden_by_user_at_field, hidden_by_administration_at_field, hidden_by_reason_field, for_tiers_field, individual_first_name, individual_last_name, batch_operation_field, dossier_corrections] + fields) .each { |f| f[:id_value_h] = {} } .group_by { |f| f[TABLE] } # one query per table .each do |table, fields| case table when 'type_de_champ', 'type_de_champ_private' Champ .where( stable_id: fields.map { |f| f[STABLE_ID] }, dossier_id: dossiers_ids ) .select(:dossier_id, :value, :stable_id, :type, :external_id, :data, :value_json) # we cannot pluck :value, as we need the champ.to_s method .group_by(&:stable_id) # the champs are redispatched to their respective fields .map do |stable_id, champs| fields .filter { |f| f[STABLE_ID] == stable_id } .each do |field| field[:id_value_h] = champs.to_h { |c| [c.dossier_id, champ_value.(c, field[:original_column])] } end end when 'self' Dossier .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:id, *fields.map { |f| f[COLUMN].to_sym }) .each do |id, *columns| fields.zip(columns).each do |field, value| # SVA must remain a date: in other column we compute remaining delay with it field[:id_value_h][id] = if value.respond_to?(:strftime) && field != sva_svr_decision_on_field I18n.l(value.to_date) else value end end end when 'individual' Individual .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:dossier_id, *fields.map { |f| f[COLUMN].to_sym }) .each { |id, *columns| fields.zip(columns).each { |field, value| field[:id_value_h][id] = value } } when 'etablissement' Etablissement .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:dossier_id, *fields.map { |f| f[COLUMN].to_sym }) .each { |id, *columns| fields.zip(columns).each { |field, value| field[:id_value_h][id] = value } } when 'user' fields[0][:id_value_h] = Dossier # there is only one field available for user table .joins(:user) .includes(:individual) .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck('dossiers.id, dossiers.for_tiers, users.email, individuals.prenom, individuals.nom') .to_h { |dossier_id, *array| [dossier_id, for_tiers_translation(array)] } when 'groupe_instructeur' fields[0][:id_value_h] = Dossier .joins(:groupe_instructeur) .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck('dossiers.id, groupe_instructeurs.label') .to_h when 'dossier_corrections' columns = fields.map { _1[COLUMN].to_sym } id_value_h = DossierCorrection.where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:dossier_id, *columns) .group_by(&:first) # group corrections by dossier_id .transform_values do |values| # build each correction has an hash column => value values.map { Hash[columns.zip(_1[1..-1])] } end fields[0][:id_value_h] = id_value_h when 'procedure' Dossier .joins(:procedure) .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:id, *fields.map { |f| f[COLUMN].to_sym }) .each { |id, *columns| fields.zip(columns).each { |field, value| field[:id_value_h][id] = value } } when 'followers_instructeurs' # rubocop:disable Style/HashTransformValues fields[0][:id_value_h] = Follow .active .joins(instructeur: :user) .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck('dossier_id, users.email') .group_by { |dossier_id, _| dossier_id } .to_h { |dossier_id, dossier_id_emails| [dossier_id, dossier_id_emails.sort.map { |_, email| email }&.join(', ')] } # rubocop:enable Style/HashTransformValues when 'avis' # rubocop:disable Style/HashTransformValues fields[0][:id_value_h] = Avis .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck('dossier_id', 'question_answer') .group_by { |dossier_id, _| dossier_id } .to_h { |dossier_id, question_answer| [dossier_id, question_answer.map { |_, answer| answer }&.compact&.tally&.map { |k, v| I18n.t("helpers.label.question_answer_with_count.#{k}", count: v) }&.join(' / ')] } # rubocop:enable Style/HashTransformValues end end dossiers_ids.map do |dossier_id| DossierProjection.new( dossier_id, state_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], archived_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], hidden_by_user_at_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], hidden_by_administration_at_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], hidden_by_reason_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], for_tiers_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], individual_first_name[:id_value_h][dossier_id], individual_last_name[:id_value_h][dossier_id], batch_operation_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], sva_svr_decision_on_field[:id_value_h][dossier_id], dossier_corrections[:id_value_h][dossier_id], fields.map { |f| f[:id_value_h][dossier_id] } ) end end class << self private def champ_value_formatter(dossiers_ids, fields) stable_ids = fields.filter { _1[TABLE].in?(['type_de_champ', 'type_de_champ_private']) }.map { _1[STABLE_ID] } revision_ids_by_dossier_ids = Dossier.where(id: dossiers_ids).pluck(:id, :revision_id).to_h stable_ids_and_types_de_champ_by_revision_ids = ProcedureRevisionTypeDeChamp.includes(:type_de_champ) .where(revision_id: revision_ids_by_dossier_ids.values.uniq, type_de_champ: { stable_id: stable_ids }) .map { [_1.revision_id, _1.type_de_champ] } .group_by(&:first) .transform_values { _1.map { |_, type_de_champ| [type_de_champ.stable_id, type_de_champ] }.to_h } stable_ids_and_types_de_champ_by_dossier_ids = revision_ids_by_dossier_ids.transform_values { stable_ids_and_types_de_champ_by_revision_ids[_1] }.compact -> (champ, column) { type_de_champ = stable_ids_and_types_de_champ_by_dossier_ids.fetch(champ.dossier_id, {})[champ.stable_id] if type_de_champ.present? && type_de_champ.type_champ == champ.last_write_type_champ if column.is_a?(Columns::JSONPathColumn) column.get_value(champ) else type_de_champ.champ_value(champ) end else '' end } end end end