# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization # and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other # than English, add the necessary files in this directory. # # To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: # # I18n.t 'hello' # # In views, this is aliased to just `t`: # # <%= t('hello') %> # # To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: # # I18n.locale = :es # # This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. # # The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by # the default I18n backend: # # true, false, on, off, yes, no # # Instead, surround them with single quotes. # # en: # 'true': 'foo' # # To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide # available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. en: invisible_captcha: sentence_for_humans: 'If you are a human, ignore this field' help: 'Help' help_dropdown: general_title: "Online help" procedure_title: "Do you have a question about this procedure?" problem_title: A problem with the website ? problem_description: Find your answer in the online help. technical_contact_title: Technical contact technical_contact_description: Send us a message to %{contact_email}. contact_administration: "Contact the administration directly:" help_brouillon_title: "Need help filling out your file?" help_filled_dossier: "A question about your file?" contact_instructeur: Send a message directly to the instructor. utils: 'yes': 'Yes' 'no': 'No' deconnexion: "Log out" pj: "Attachments" asterisk_html: Fields marked by an asterisk ( * ) are mandatory. mandatory_champs: All fields are mandatory. no_mandatory: (optional) file_number: File number subject: Subject message: Message send_mail: Send message procedure: Procedures new_tab: New tab helpers: procedure: testing_procedure: testing procedure close: Closed unpublished: Unpublished commentaire: send_message_to_instructeur: "Send a message to the instructor" reply_in_mailbox: "Reply in mailbox" skiplinks: quick: Quick access content: Content combo_search_component: screen_reader_instructions: "When autocomplete results are available, use the up and down arrows to navigate through the list of results. Press Enter to select a result. Press Escape to close the results list." result_slot_html: zero: No result one: 1 result other: results layouts: commencer: no_procedure: line1: A simple tool line2: to manage dematerialized line3: administrative forms. are_you_new: First time on %{app_name}? my_account: My account header: close_modal: 'Close' back: "Back" back_title: "Revenir sur le site de mon administration" main_menu: "Main menu" locale_dropdown: select_locale: "Choose a language" locale_name: "English" notifications: actions: access: View your File question: I have a question reply: Reply to this message root_path_link_title: default: 'Go to homepage' user: 'Go to files list' instructeur: 'Go to procedures list' admin: 'Go to administration panel' gestionnaire: "Go to admins group panel" views: legal_notice: title: "Legal Notices" editing: "Editor" editing_content: line_one: "Interministerial Directorate for Digital Affairs (DINUM)" direction: "Publishing Department" direction_content: "Ms. Stéphanie Schaer , Interministerial Director of Digital Affairs." hosting: "Hosting provider" hosting_content: line_four: "VAT NUMBER: FR 22 424 761 419" line_five: "Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France." accessibility_statement: title: "Accessibility statement" line_one: "DINUM is committed to making its service accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005." line_two: "This accessibility statement applies to %{app_name} (%{host})." compliance: title: "Compliance status" line_one_html: "The website Démarches simplifiées is partially compliant with the General Accessibility Guidelines (RGAA) version 4." results: title: "Test results" line_one: "As of 13 June 2023, the average compliance rate of the site is 80%." line_three: "Users can follow the measures taken by the service to improve the accessibility of the site at the following address:" programme: label: "Follow the DS accessibility continuous improvement programme" url: "https://github.com/demarches-simplifiees/demarches-simplifiees.fr/issues?q=accessibilit%C3%A9+" title: "Follow the DS accessibility continuous improvement programme - new tab" no_accessible: title: "Non-accessible content" subtitle_one: "Non-compliances" examples_html: "Exemples :

We are taking this into account for the future development of the site's pages.

" preparation: title: "Preparation of this accessibility declaration" intro: "This declaration was drawn up on 27 April 2022. It was updated on 1 April 2023." subtitle_one: "Technologies used to create the site" techno_ruby: label: "Ruby on Rails" url: "https://rubyonrails.org/" title: "Ruby on Rails - new tab" subtitle_two: "Test environment" environment_intro: "The content rendering checks were carried out on the basis of a combination provided by the RGAA reference base, with the following versions:" environment_one: "Firefox 111.0.1 and NVDA 2022.4" environment_two: "Safari and VoiceOver (version available on macOS Monterey 12.6.3)" environment_three: "Edge and JAWS 2020" environment_four: "Google Chrome and TalkBack 9.1" environment_five: "Safari and VoiceOver (version available on iOS 15.7.4)" subtitle_three: "Tools for assessing accessibility" tool_one: "RGAA Assistant (Firefox extension)" tool_two: "Web Developer (Firefox extension)" tool_three: "HeadingsMap (Firefox extension)" tool_four: "Colour Contrast Analyser application" tool_five: "Contrast Finder" tool_six: "Stylus (Firefox extension)" subtitle_four: "Pages of the site subject to the compliance check" page_one: label: "Home" page_two: label: "Contact" page_three: label: "Legal notices" page_four: label: "Accessibility statement" page_five: label: "Authentification" page_six: "Home page - User search results" page_seven: label: "FAQ" url: "https://faq.demarches-simplifiees.fr/" title: "FAQ - new tab" page_eight: label: "FAQ - User (submission of a file)" url: "https://faq.demarches-simplifiees.fr/collection/17-usager-depot-dun-dossier" title: "FAQ - User (submission of a file) - new tab" page_nine: "Documentation - Presentation" page_ten: "Documentation - Start-up" page_eleven: "Documentation - General" page_twelve: "File creation - Identity" page_thirteen: "File creation - Draft" page_fourteen: "Dossier - Summary" page_fifteen: "Dossier - Application" page_sixteen: "Dossier - Messaging" contact: title: "Feedback and contact" intro: "If you are unable to access a piece of content or service, you can contact the Simplified Approaches manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form." infos: email_html: "By email:" adress_html: "By post : DINUM , 20 avenue de Ségur 75007 Paris" remedies: title: "Remedies" line_one: "If you notice a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing a content or functionality of the site, and you report it to us and do not manage to obtain a rapid response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Rights Defender." line_two: "Several means are available to you:" remedies_one: label: "A contact form" url: "https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/nous-contacter" title: "A contact form - new tab" remedies_two: label: "Contact the delegate of the Human Rights Defender in your region" url: "https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/fr/saisir/delegues" title: "Contact the delegate of the Human Rights Defender in your region - new tab" remedies_three: "Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not put a stamp) Défenseur des droits Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07" prefill_descriptions: edit: intro_html: "You'd like to allow your users to create a prefilled file, with data you already have, for the procedure « %{libelle} »." info_html: To do this, select the fields below that you want to prefill.
You will then find a prefill link at the bottom of this page, which you will just need to copy, adapt by replacing the default values, and share.
In the same way, you will find an example of a cURL request at the bottom of the page to adapt if you want to prefill the folders via API. champ_id: ID champ_type: Type entity_add: Add entity_remove: Remove entity_unavailable: Unavailable title: prenom: First name (identity) nom: Last name (identity) genre: Gender (identity) description: prenom: The first name of the owner of the file nom: The last name of the owner of the file genre: The gender name of the owner of the file possible_values: link: title: All possible values text: See all possible values title: Values prenom: A first name nom: A last name genre: '"M." for Mister, "Mme" for Madam' text_html: A short text textarea_html: A long text decimal_number_html: A decimal number integer_number_html: An integer number email_html: An email address civilite_html: '"M." for Mister, "Mme" for Madam' phone_html: A phone number iban_html: An Iban number yes_no_html: '"true" for Yes, "false" pour No' checkbox_html: '"true" to check, "false" to uncheck' pays_html: An ISO 3166-2 country code regions_html: An INSEE region code departements_html: A department number communes_html: An array of the postal code and the INSEE commune code address_html: An address EXACTLY formated as the label returned by the Base Adresse Nationale drop_down_list_html: A choice among those selected when the procedure was created date_html: ISO8601 date datetime_html: ISO8601 datetime drop_down_list_other_html: Any value siret_html: A SIRET number rna_html: A RNA number repetition_html: A array of hashes with possible values for each field of the repetition epci_html: An array of the department code and the EPCI one annuaire_education_html: An educational institution code, as defined by the Éducation Nationale directory dossier_link_html: The file ID, as integer examples: title: Example prenom: "Jean" nom: "Dupont" genre: "M." text: Short text textarea: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. decimal_number: 49.3 integer_number: 42 email: personne@fournisseur.fr phone: 0612345678 iban: FR7611315000011234567890138 yes_no: "true" pays: "FR" departements: "56" regions: "53" address: "20 Avenue de Ségur 75007 Paris" date: "2023-02-01" datetime: "2023-02-01T10:30" checkbox: "true" annuaire_education: "0561383Z" dossier_link: 42 rna: "W503726238" siret: "13002526500013" civilite: "M." prefill_link_title: Prefill link (GET) prefill_link_info: Use the button to copy the link, then remplace the values with your data. prefill_link_too_long: Warning, the prefill link is too long and may not work on all browsers. prefill_link_copy: Copy prefill link prefill_query_title: Prefill query (POST) prefill_query_info: Use the button to copy the query, then remplace the values with your data. prefill_query_response_html: '# Response:
# {
# "dossier_url": "%{url}",
# "dossier_id": "aBase64Id==",
# "dossier_number": 42
# }' prefill_query_copy: Copy prefill query json_description_title: JSON description of the procedure json_description_info: Use the button to copy the query and learn more about the procedure and its fields thanks to a JSON description. json_description_copy: Copy the JSON description query registrations: new: title: "Create an account %{name}" subtitle: "Create an account using an email" email_label: 'Email (name@site.com)' password_label: "Password (%{min_length} characters minimum)" password_message: "Your password must have :" password_placeholder: "%{min_length} characters minimum" invites: dropdown: invite_to_edit: Invite someone to edit this file view_invited_people: "View invited people" invite_to_view: "Invite someone to view this file" form: invite_to_edit_line1: You can invite someone to complete this file with you. invite_to_edit_line2: This person will have the right to edit your file. email: Email address invite_message: Add a message to the person you invite (optional) send_invitation: Send an invitation invite_to_participate: "Invited people to participate in this file" withdraw_permission: "Withdraw the permission" want_to_withdraw_permission: "Would you like to withdraw the permission?" edit_dossier: "These people can edit this file." submit_dossier_yourself: "You must submit the file yourself when it is complete." pagination: next: Next last: Last previous: Previous first: First truncate: '…' shared: greetings: hello: Dear Sir or Madam, best_regards: Best Regards, dossiers: form: submitted_at: "Submitted on %{datetime}" updated_at: "Updated on %{datetime}" edit: autosave: Your file is automatically saved after each modification. You can close the window at any time and pick up where you left off later. pending_correction: confirm_label: I certify that I have made all corrections requested by the administration. messages: form: send_message: "Send message" write_message_placeholder: "Write your message here" write_message_to_administration_placeholder: "Write your message to the administration here" demande: requester_identity: "Identity of the requester" requester_identity_updated_at: "updated on %{date}" my_identity: "My identity" form: "Form" edit_siret: "Edit SIRET" edit_identity: "Edit identity data" instructeurs: dossiers: tab_steps: to_follow: to follow total: total request: Request private_annotations: Private annotations external_opinion: External opinion messaging: Messaging involved_persons: Involved persons reaffectation: reassignment tab_explainations: a_suivre: No instructor is assigned to follow up on these files. Be the first ! suivis: The folders that are in this tab are only those that you follow. You can exchange with the requester until you can accept them, refuse them or classify them without follow-up. traites_html: "The files in this tab are finished: they have been accepted, refused or closed without follow-up. You can download the zip archives of finished files and their attachments." tous: All the files that have been submitted on this approach, included files to be follow and files followed by you or other instructors. tous_with_routing: All the files that have been submitted on this approach, and assigned to your instructors groups. supprimes_recemment: All files not archive, completed and deleted by the instructors on this approach. archives: "The files in this tab are archived: you can no longer reply to them, and requesters can no longer modify them." expirant: Records will not expire prior to the data retention period. archived_dossier: "This file will be kept for an additional month" delete_dossier: "Delete file" deleted_by_user: "File deleted by user" deleted_by_administration: "File deleted by administration" restore: "Restore" filters: title: Select a filter select_all: Select all batch_operation: enabled: "Add file %{dossier_id} to the selection for the bulk operation" disabled: "Impossible to add file %{dossier_id} to the selection because it is already in a bulk operation" personalize: Personalize show_deleted_dossiers: Show deleted files follow_file: Follow-up the file save: Save stop_follow: No longer follow no_file: No file dossier_synthesis: Summary of files avis: introduction_file_explaination: "File attached to the request for advice" search: dossier_not_in_instructor_group: "File no. %{dossier_id} of the “%{procedure_libelle}” procedure corresponds to your search, but it is attached to the “%{groupe_instructeur_label}” instructor group." users: dossiers: archived_dossier: "Your file will be kept %{duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds} more months" identite: identity_data: Identity data identity_siret: Identify your establishment civility: Civility first_name: First Name last_name: Last Name birthdate: Birth date complete_siret: Fill the SIRET number of your company, administration or association to start the procedure. siret_help_html: To find your SIRET number, use %{annuaire_link} or ask your accounting department. siret_placeholder: 14-digit SIRET number annuaire_link_title: Search for a SIRET number in the Companies Directory siret_loading: Information retrieval… continue: Continue merci: thanks: Thank you! dossier_send_l1: Your file on the procedure dossier_send_l2: has been sent. dossier_acces_l1: You have now access to your dossier_acces_l2: online file. dossier_edit_l1: You can dossier_edit_l2: edit it dossier_edit_l3: and dossier_edit_l4: talk with an instructor. acces_dossier: Access your file submit_dossier: Submit an other file show: header: summary: "Summary" request: "Request" mailbox: "Mailbox" dossier_number: "File n. %{dossier_id}" created_date: "- Draft on %{date_du_dossier}" submit_date: "- Submit on %{date_du_dossier}" print: "print" print_dossier: "All the file" status_overview: status_draft: draft status_in_progress: in progress en_construction_html: Your file is in progress. It means that you can still edit it. You will no longer be able to edit the file when the administration will switch it to "review". status_review: undergoing review admin_review: The administration is reviewing your file. You are no longer able to edit it. delay_title: sva: "Your file is subject to the legislative framework « Silence Vaut Accord »" svr: "Your file is subject to the legislative framework « Silence Vaut Rejet »" delay_text_sva_svr: "You will receive a reply from the administration no later than %{date}." status_completed: completed use_mailbox_for_questions_html: "You have a question? Use the mailbox to contact the administration directly." acceptee_html: "Your file had been accepted." accepte_motivation: "Reason" accepte_attestation: "Download the attestation" refuse_html: "Sorry, your file had been rejected." refuse_motivation: "Reason" refuse_reply: "Send a message to the administration" sans_suite_html: "Your file had been closed, no further action." sans_suite_motivation: "Reason" latest_message: latest_message: "Latest message" messagerie: mailbox: "The mailbox allows you to contact the instructor in charge of your file." demande: edit_dossier: Edit file edit_dossier_title: "Edit my file - You can modify your file as long as it has not been sent for processing" search: search_file: Search a file (File number, keywords) simple: Search result_term_title: Search result for « %{search_terms} » result_procedure_title: and procedure « %{procedure_libelle} » secondary_menu: Secondary menu index: dossiers: "My files" dossiers_list: n_dossier: "File n." no_result_title: No files no_result_text_html: "To fill a procedure, contact your administration asking for the procedure link.
It should look like %{app_base}/commencer/xxx." no_result_text_with_search: found with search terms no_result_reset_search: Reset search no_result_text_with_filter: found with selected filters no_result_reset_filter: Reset filters procedure_closed: This procedure has been closed, you will not be able to submit a file again from the procedure link, contact your administration for more information. pending_correction: This file is waiting for your corrections. Consult the changes to be made in the messaging system. depose_at: First submission on %{date} created_at: Created at %{date} updated_at: updated at %{date} shared_with: File shared with deleted: Deleted at %{date} deleted_badge: Deleted transfers: sender_demande_en_cours: "A transfer request is pending on file Nº %{id} to %{email}" receiver_demande_en_cours: "Transfer request on file Nº %{id} sent by %{email}" revoke: Revoke this request accept: Accept reject: Reject dossier_action: edit_dossier: "Edit the file" start_other_dossier: "Start another empty file" clone: "Duplicate the file" delete_dossier: "Delete the file" transfer_dossier: "Transfer the file" edit_draft: "Keep filling" actions: "Actions" other_actions: "Other actions" sessions: new: sign_in: Sign in on %{application_name} remember_me: Remember me reset_password: Forgot password? connection: Sign in find_procedure: Find your procedure state_civil_servant: Are you a state civil servant? connect_with_agent_connect: Visit our dedicated page subtitle: "Sign in with my account" passwords: edit: subtitle: Change password submit: Change password submit_loading: Sending… reset_link_sent: got_it: Got it! open_your_mailbox: Now open your mailbox. email_sent_html: "If a %{application_name} account exists with the address %{email}, we have sent you an email." click_link_to_reset_password: Click on the link in the email to change your password. no_mail: Didn't receive the email? check_spams: Check your junk or spam email. check_account: Have you created a %{application_name} account with the adress %{email}? You will not receive any message if no account is linked to your email adress. check_france_connect_html: Have you once logged in with France Connect? If yes, try again with France Connect. check_gpdr: "The account may have been deleted in the event of prolonged inactivity and no current file. In this case you will have to recreate an account from a procedure." shared: email_can_take_a_while_html: Please note that this email can take up to 15 minutes to arrive. contact_us_if_any_trouble_html: 'You can contact us through this form if a problem still exists.' modal: publish: title: publish: Publish the procedure reopen: Reopen the procedure body: publish: You are about to publish the procedure to the public. reopen: You are about to reopen the procedure. submit: publish: Publish reopen: Reopen activerecord: models: user: one: User other: Users attributes: default_attributes: &default_attributes email: Email password: 'Password' requested_merge_into: 'new email address' hints: email: "Expected format : john.doe@example.com" user: siret: 'SIRET number' << : *default_attributes instructeur: << : *default_attributes super_admin: << : *default_attributes otp_attempt: 'OTP code (only if you have already activated 2FA)' procedure: zone: This procedure is run by champs: value: Value default_mail_attributes: &default_mail_attributes hints: subject: The generated subject will be truncated if it exceeds 100 characters. mails/closed_mail: << : *default_mail_attributes mails/initiated_mail: << : *default_mail_attributes mails/received_mail: << : *default_mail_attributes mails/refused_mail: << : *default_mail_attributes mails/without_continuation_mail: << : *default_mail_attributes errors: messages: not_a_phone: 'Invalid phone number' not_a_rna: 'Invalid RNA number' url: 'is not a valid link' models: attestation_template: attributes: footer: too_long: ": the footer is too long." invite: attributes: email: taken: ': Invitation already sent' user: attributes: &error_attributes reset_password_token: invalid: ": is expired. Ask a new one" email: blank: "is empty. Fill in the email" invalid: "is invalid. Fill in a valid email address, example: john.doe@example.fr" taken: "already in use. Fill in another email" password: too_short: "is too short. Fill in a password with at least 8 characters" not_strong: "not strong enough. Fill in a stronger password" password_confirmation: confirmation: ": The two passwords do not match" requested_merge_into: same: "can't be the same as the old one" instructeur: attributes: << : *error_attributes super_admin: attributes: << : *error_attributes procedure: attributes: path: taken: is already used for procedure. You cannot use it because it belongs to another administrator. taken_can_be_claimed: Is the same as another of your procedure. If you publish this procedure, the other one will be unpublished invalid: is not valid. It must countain between 3 and 50 characters among a-z, 0-9, '_' and '-'. "dossier/champs": format: "%{message}" attributes: value: format: "%{message}" "champs/cnaf_champ": attributes: numero_allocataire: invalid: "must be a maximum of 7 digits" code_postal: invalid: "must be 5 characters long" "champs/dgfip_champ": attributes: numero_fiscal: invalid: "must be 13 or 14 characters long" reference_avis: invalid: "must be 13 or 14 characters long" "champs/drop_down_list_champ": attributes: value: not_in_options: "must be in the given options" "champs/multiple_drop_down_list_champ": attributes: value: not_in_options: "must be in the given options" "champs/region_champ": attributes: value: not_in_region_names: "must be a valid region name" external_id: not_in_region_codes: "must be a valid region code" "champs/departement_champ": attributes: value: not_in_departement_names: "must be a valid department name" external_id: not_in_departement_codes: "must be a valid department code" "champs/epci_champ": attributes: code_departement: not_in_departement_codes: "must be a valid department code" external_id: not_in_departement_epci_codes: "must be a valid EPCI code of the matching department" value: not_in_departement_epci_names: "must be a valid EPCI name of the matching department" "champs/dossier_link_champ": attributes: value: not_integerable: "must be an integer" errors: format: "Field « %{attribute} » %{message}" messages: dossier_not_found: "The file does not exist or you do not have access to it." # # dossier_map_not_activated: "The file does not have access to the map." targeted_user_link_expired: "This invitation link or the file is no longer available." invalid_siret_length: "The SIRET number must contain exactly 14 numbers." invalid_siret_checksum: "The SIRET number is invalid." procedure_not_found: "The procedure does not exist" siret_unknown: 'Sorry, we did not find any establishment registered under this SIRET number.' siret_network_error: 'Sorry, SIRET information retrieval is temporarily unavailable. Please try again shortly.' siret_not_found: "We haven't found an establishment corresponding to this SIRET number." # # etablissement_fail: 'Désolé, nous n’avons pas réussi à enregistrer l’établissement correspondant à ce numéro SIRET' france_connect: connexion: "Error trying to connect to France Connect." procedure_archived: with_service_and_phone_email: This procedure has been closed, it is no longer possible to submit a file. For more information, please contact the service %{service_name}, available at %{service_phone_number} or by email %{service_email} with_organisation_only: This procedure has been closed, it is no longer possible to submit a file. For more information, please contact the organisation %{organisation_name} # # procedure_not_draft: "This procedure is not a draft anymore." # cadastres_empty: # one: "Aucune parcelle cadastrale sur la zone sélectionnée" # other: "Aucune parcelle cadastrale sur les zones sélectionnées" not_an_integer: "must be an integer (without decimal)" not_a_date: "must be a correct date" not_a_datetime: "must be a correct datetime" blank: "can't be blank" time: formats: default: "%B %d %Y %R" pluralize: case: one: file other: files processed: one: processed other: processed new: one: new other: new followed: one: followed other: followed archived: one: archived other: archived en_cours: one: in progress other: in progress en_test: one: in testing other: in testing traites: one: finished other: finished dossiers_invites: one: guest file other: guest files dossiers_supprimes_recemment: one: recently deleted file other: recently deleted files dossiers_supprimes_definitivement: one: permanently deleted file other: permanently deleted files dossiers_transferes: one: transfer request other: transfer requests dossiers_close_to_expiration: one: expiring file other: expiring files dossier_trouve: one: "%{count} file found" other: "%{count} files found" published: one: published other: published closed: one: finished other: finished draft: one: draft other: drafts deleted: one: deleted other: deleted administrateurs: activate: new: title: Pick a password continue: Continue procedures: created_at: created at published_at: published at updated_at_today: updated at updated_at: updated at closed_at: closed at auto_archive_on: will close at users: dossiers: test_procedure: "This file is submitted on a test procedure. Any modification of the procedure by the administrator (addition of a field, publication of the procedure, etc.) will result in the removal of the file." no_access_html: "You do not have access to this file.
Check that you were signed in as %{email} to fill this procedure.
If not, please log off" no_longer_editable: "Your file can no longer be edited" en_construction_submitted: "The modifications have already been submitted" fill_identity: individual: Complete the identity of the applicant to continue. siret: Complete the identification of the establishment to continue. create_commentaire: message_send: "Your message has been sent to the instructor in charge of your file." cloned_success: "Your file has been duplicated. Please review it then you can submit it" ask_deletion: undergoingreview: "Your file is undergoing review. It is no longer possible to delete your file. To cancel the undergoingreview contact the adminitration via the mailbox." soft_deleted_dossier: "Your file has been successfully deleted from your interface" restore: "Your file has been successfully restored" etablissement: no_establishment: "There is no establishment tied to this file" update_identite: identity_saved: "Identity data is registred" attestation: no_longer_available: "The certificate is no longer available on this file." show: papertrail: get_papertrail: "Get a deposit receipt" filename: "deposit-receipt.pdf" papertrail: receipt: "Deposit receipt" description: "This document attests that on the %{date}, %{user_name} submitted a file on the procedure “%{procedure}”." file_submitted_at: "File submission date" dossier_state: "File status" states: en_construction: "submitted, pending processing" en_instruction: "processing" accepte: "accepted" refuse: "declined" sans suite: "closed, no further action" administrative_service: "Administrative department" generated_at: "Made on %{date}," signature: "%{app_name}" instructeurs: dossiers: deleted_by_instructeur: "The folder has been deleted" impossible_deletion: "Unable to delete : the folder is not processed" restore: "The folder has been restored" labels: to_follow: to follow france_connect: particulier: password_confirmation: back: 'back to previous step' already_exists: An account with %{email} already existis on %{application_name} fill_in_password: fill in your password to merge your accounts merge: title: "Merge your account FranceConnect and %{application_name}" subtitle: "Hello,

Your account FranceConnect uses %{email} as contact email.
But there is an existing %{application_name} account using this email." label_select_merge_flow: Is %{email} one of your email account ? title_fill_in_password: To merge your accounts fill in your password button_merge: Merge accounts title_fill_in_email: Fill in the email that %{application_name} will use to contact you button_use_this_email: Use this email link_confirm_by_email: Confirm by receiving an email flash: confirmation_mail_sent: "An email with the confirmation link has been sent, please click on the link." invalid_password: "The password is not correct." connection_done: "The accounts for FranceConnect and %{application_name} are now merged." merger_token_expired: "Le delay to merge your FranceConnect and %{application_name} accounts is expired. Please retry." shared: procedures: no_siret: "Some procedures have service without siret. Please update." add_siret_to_service_without_siret_html: Add siret for service %{nom} no_service: "Some procedures have no service." add_service_html: Add service to procedure %{id} stats: usual_processing_time: "Usual processing time" processing_time_description: "%{percentile}% of submitted files in the last %{span} days were processed in less than %{days}." processing_time: "Processing time" since_procedure_creation: "since the procedure was created" nb_days: "Nb Days" processing_time_graph_description: "Processing time between instruction and final answer (accepted, rejected or closed) for 90% of files." status_evolution_details: "since the procedure launch" status_evolution: "Evolution of file statuses" acceptance_rate: "Acceptance rate" acceptance_rate_details: "since the procedure launch" rate: "Rate" dossiers_count: "Nb files" weekly_distribution: "Weekly distribution" weekly_distribution_details: "in the last 6 months" sva_svr_rule_name: sva: "Silence Vaut Accord" svr: "Silence Vaut Rejet" procedure_description: estimated_fill_duration: "Estimated fill time: %{estimated_minutes} mn" estimated_fill_duration_title: What is the procedure estimated fill time ? estimated_fill_duration_detail: "The fill time is etimated to %{estimated_minutes} min. This period may vary depending on the options you choose" usual_traitement_time_title: What are the processing times for this procedure? usual_traitement_time_detail_html: Usually, files in this procedure are processed within %{traitement_time}. This estimate is calculated automatically from the processing times observed on %{percentile}% of requests that have been processed during the last %{days} days. Actual lead time may vary. For more information, you can consult the statistics page of this procedure. pieces_jointes : What are the required attachments ? pieces_jointes_conditionnal_list_title : Attachments list according to your situation sva_svr_title: "This procedure applies the « %{rule} »" sva_text_html: "SVA, or « Silence Vaut Rejet » is a legislative principle that defines the behavior of a request in the event of silence from the administration: the request is automatically accepted after a certain period if your file is complete." svr_text_html: "SVR, or « Silence Vaut Rejet » is a legislative principle that defines the behavior of a request in the event of silence from the administration: the request is automatically refused after a certain period if your file is complete." sva_svr_prevision_date: Thus, you will receive an answer to your request within %{delay} of submitting your complete file. For example, if you submit your application today, you will receive a reply no later than %{date}. If your file is incomplete, this date may be postponed until submitting a completed file.