# == Schema Information # # Table name: email_events # # id :bigint not null, primary key # method :string not null # processed_at :datetime # status :string not null # subject :string not null # to :string not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # class EmailEvent < ApplicationRecord enum status: { dispatched: 'dispatched', dispatch_error: 'dispatch_error' } scope :dolist, -> { where(method: 'dolist') } scope :sendinblue, -> { where(method: 'sendinblue') } class << self def create_from_message!(message, status:) to = message.to || ["unset"] # no recipients when error occurs *before* setting to: in the mailer to.each do |recipient| EmailEvent.create!( to: recipient, subject: message.subject || "", processed_at: message.date, method: ActionMailer::Base.delivery_methods.key(message.delivery_method.class), status: ) rescue StandardError => error Sentry.capture_exception(error, extra: { subject: message.subject, status: }) end end end def match_dolist_email return if to == "unset" # subjects does not match, so compare to event time with tolerance Dolist::API.new.sent_mails(to).sort_by(&:delivered_at).find { (processed_at..processed_at + 1.hour).cover?(_1.delivered_at) } end def domain to.split("@").last end end