OpenIDConnect.debug! OpenIDConnect.logger = Rails.logger Rack::OAuth2.logger = Rails.logger # Webfinger.logger = Rails.logger SWD.logger = Rails.logger # the openid_connect gem does not support # jwt format in the userinfo call. # A PR is open to improve the situation # module OpenIDConnect class AccessToken < Rack::OAuth2::AccessToken::Bearer private def jwk_loader JSON.parse(URI.parse(ENV['AGENT_CONNECT_JWKS']).read).deep_symbolize_keys end def decode_jwt(requested_host, jwt) agent_connect_host = URI.parse(ENV['AGENT_CONNECT_BASE_URL']).host if requested_host == agent_connect_host # rubocop:disable Lint/UselessAssignment JWT.decode(jwt, key = nil, verify = true, { algorithms: ['ES256'], jwks: jwk_loader })[0] # rubocop:enable Lint/UselessAssignment else raise "unknwon host : #{requested_host}" end end def resource_request res = yield case res.status when 200 hash = case parse_type_and_subtype(res.content_type) when 'application/jwt' requested_host = URI.parse(client.userinfo_endpoint).host decode_jwt(requested_host, res.body) when 'application/json' JSON.parse(res.body) end hash&.with_indifferent_access when 400 raise'API Access Faild', res) when 401 raise'Access Token Invalid or Expired', res) when 403 raise'Insufficient Scope', res) else raise, 'Unknown HttpError', res) end end # # - type and subtype are the first member # they are case insensitive def parse_type_and_subtype(content_type) content_type.split(';')[0].strip.downcase end end end