class Invite < ApplicationRecord include EmailSanitizableConcern belongs_to :dossier belongs_to :user before_validation -> { sanitize_email(:email) } validates :email, presence: true validates :email, uniqueness: { scope: :dossier_id } validates :email, format: { with: Devise.email_regexp, message: "n'est pas valide" }, allow_nil: true # #1619 When an administrateur deletes a `Procedure`, its `hidden_at` field, and # the `hidden_at` field of its `Dossier`s, get set, effectively removing the Procedure # and Dossier from their respective `default_scope`s. # Therefore, we also remove `Invite`s for such effectively deleted `Dossier`s # from their default scope. scope :kept, -> { joins(:dossier).merge(Dossier.kept) } default_scope { kept } end