class GeojsonService def self.to_json_polygon_for_cadastre(coordinates) polygon = { geom: { type: "Feature", geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ coordinates ] } } } polygon.to_json end # The following code is ported from turfjs # EQUATORIAL_RADIUS = 6378137 def self.area(geojson) calculate_area(geojson) end def self.length(geojson) segment_reduce(geojson, 0) do |previous_value, segment| coordinates = segment[:geometry][:coordinates] previous_value + distance(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]) end end def self.distance(from, to) coordinates1 = from coordinates2 = to d_lat = degrees_to_radians(coordinates2[1] - coordinates1[1]) d_lon = degrees_to_radians(coordinates2[0] - coordinates1[0]) lat1 = degrees_to_radians(coordinates1[1]) lat2 = degrees_to_radians(coordinates2[1]) a = (Math.sin(d_lat / 2)**2) + (Math.sin(d_lon / 2)**2) * Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) radians = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a)) radians * EQUATORIAL_RADIUS end def self.bbox(geojson) result = [-Float::INFINITY, -Float::INFINITY, Float::INFINITY, Float::INFINITY] self.coord_each(geojson) do |coord| if result[3] > coord[1] result[3] = coord[1] end if result[2] > coord[0] result[2] = coord[0] end if result[1] < coord[1] result[1] = coord[1] end if result[0] < coord[0] result[0] = coord[0] end end result end def self.coord_each(geojson) geometries = if geojson.fetch(:type) == "FeatureCollection" geojson.fetch(:features).map { _1.fetch(:geometry) } else [geojson.fetch(:geometry)] end.compact geometries.each do |geometry| geometries = if geometry.fetch(:type) == "GeometryCollection" geometry.fetch(:geometries) else [geometry] end.compact geometries.each do |geometry| case geometry.fetch(:type) when "Point" yield geometry.fetch(:coordinates).map(&:to_f) when "LineString", "MultiPoint" geometry.fetch(:coordinates).each { yield } when "Polygon", "MultiLineString" geometry.fetch(:coordinates).each do |shapes| shapes.each { yield } end when "MultiPolygon" geometry.fetch(:coordinates).each do |polygons| polygons.each do |shapes| shapes.each { yield } end end when "GeometryCollection" geometry.fetch(:geometries).each do |geometry| coord_each(geometry) { yield _1 } end end end end end def self.calculate_area(geom) total = 0 case geom[:type] when 'Polygon' polygon_area(geom[:coordinates]); when 'MultiPolygon' geom[:coordinates].each do |coordinates| total += polygon_area(coordinates) end total else total end end def self.polygon_area(coordinates) total = 0 if coordinates.present? coordinates = coordinates.dup total += ring_area(coordinates.shift).abs coordinates.each do |coordinates| total -= ring_area(coordinates).abs end end total end def self.ring_area(coordinates) total = 0 coords_length = coordinates.size if coords_length > 2 coords_length.times do |i| if i == coords_length - 2 # i = N-2 lower_index = coords_length - 2 middle_index = coords_length - 1 upper_index = 0 elsif i == coords_length - 1 # i = N-1 lower_index = coords_length - 1 middle_index = 0 upper_index = 1 else # i = 0 to N-3 lower_index = i middle_index = i + 1 upper_index = i + 2 end p1 = coordinates[lower_index] p2 = coordinates[middle_index] p3 = coordinates[upper_index] total += (rad(p3[0]) - rad(p1[0])) * Math.sin(rad(p2[1])) end total = total * EQUATORIAL_RADIUS * EQUATORIAL_RADIUS / 2 end total end def self.segment_reduce(geojson, initial_value) previous_value = initial_value started = false coordinates = geojson[:coordinates].dup from = coordinates.shift coordinates.each do |to| current_segment = { type: 'Feature', geometry: { type: 'LineString', coordinates: [from, to] } } from = to if started == false && initial_value.blank? previous_value = current_segment else previous_value = yield previous_value, current_segment end started = true end previous_value end def self.rad(num) num * Math::PI / 180 end def self.degrees_to_radians(degrees) rad(degrees % 360) end end