class SimpleFormatComponent < ApplicationComponent # see: REDCARPET_EXTENSIONS = { no_intra_emphasis: true, disable_indented_code_blocks: true, space_after_headers: true, tables: false, fenced_code_blocks: false, autolink: false, strikethrough: false, lax_spacing: false, superscript: false, underline: false, highlight: false, quote: false, footnotes: false } # see: REDCARPET_RENDERER_OPTS = { no_images: true } SIMPLE_URL_REGEX = %r{https?://[^\s<>]+} EMAIL_IN_TEXT_REGEX =\\A|\\z/, '\b')) def initialize(text, allow_a: true, allow_autolink: true, class_names_map: {}) @allow_a = allow_a @allow_autolink = allow_a || allow_autolink # Logic for html links/autolinks: # Sometimes we want to allow autolinking of urls, without allowing html/markdown links from users. # Because we sanitize the rendered markdown, when html links are not allowed, we can't enable redcarpet autolink # (it would be sanitized), so we manually autolink after sanitization. # At the contrary, when links are allowed, autolinking is always made with redcarpet. list_item = false lines = (text || "") .lines .map(&:lstrip) # this block prevent redcarpet to consider " text" as block code by lstriping @text = do |line| item_number = line.match(/\A(\d+)\./) if item_number.present? list_item = true "\n" + line + "[value:#{item_number[1]}]" elsif line.match?(/\A[-*+]\s/) list_item = true "\n" + line elsif line == '' list_item = false "\n" + line elsif list_item line else "\n" + line end end.join.lstrip @renderer = { list: 'fr-ol-content--override' }), REDCARPET_EXTENSIONS.merge(autolink: @allow_a) ) end def autolink(text) return text if !@allow_autolink return text if @allow_a # already autolinked text.gsub(SIMPLE_URL_REGEX) do |url| helpers.link_to(ERB::Util.html_escape(url), ERB::Util.html_escape(url), title: helpers.new_tab_suffix(nil), **helpers.external_link_attributes) end end def tags if @allow_a Rails.configuration.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags + ['a'] else Rails.configuration.action_view.sanitized_allowed_tags end end def attributes ['target', 'rel', 'href', 'class', 'title', 'value'] end end